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KPB is now anointed with the blood of Jesus


Photo : kamla-Persad-Bissessar

I agree that Kamla must go but whom do we have to replace her? It cannot be Dr Roodal Moonilal or Vassan Bharath. Both were defeated by her in the past. Moonilal has come to accept that he was defeated, put his tail between his legs and accepted her as his political leader and is toeing her line. On the other hand, Vassan Bharath has not accepted his defeat and walked out, now suspected of fraternizing with the PNM.

KPB won the leadership of the UNC after defeating Basdeo Panday and his slate that included Vassan Bharath and Roodal Moonilal and a host of others whom she later integrated into her team for the 2010 General Elections and as minsters in her cabinet.

I believe it is time for Kamla to be put out to pasture, but a new leader must arise. If Kamla walks away without a fight, she would be giving room to weaklings and defeatists to lead this great party. Vassan Bharath should rearm and make a second attempt to defeat Kamla and if he does not win, he should retire from politics and reenter the corporate world where he can continue to make meaningful contributions.

Mikela Panday is the best candidate to contest and defeat KPB. She has the formula-Basdeo Panday at her disposal but as the saying goes “you could take the horse to the water, but you cannot force it to drink.” May be Basdeo Panday is the best option to replace KPB!   

Most who are opposed to KPB do so not from a point of policies and programs but one of dislike and hate. Their discourses I find to be very enervating, as typified in the contributions of Rabindranath Moonan, Devant Maharaj and the erstwhile Ramona Ramdial and not withstanding the postings of UNC Cabal on social media. Such contributions are a pathetic display of an arrogance which I thought we have long passed.

KPB has invested heavily in loyalty, and it is paying big dividends. She understands that at the end of the day one must have the numbers to stay as leader. She is like a conservative investor, not intent on making huge gain in the short term but just sticking around. And given the frustrations within the UNC, Bhagwan Vishnu may have to take incarnation to get the task done. But who are praying for Bhagwan Vishnu to take incarnation? Given the reality that KPB is now anointed with the blood of Jesus, the entire equation has changed. With Sister Jearlean, Brother Ravi, Brother Moonilal, Brother Dave and Sister Kadija at her sides, her detractors will have no moral authority to launch their campaign against this messianic daughter of Jehovah.

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