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Leonara Sheds Tears of Blood

Jai Lall

Jai Lall

Dear Editor,

The aching soul of a disgruntled Leonora, Region 3, now featured regularly in the much-published national newspapers, sadly cries in a hurtful agony, as it regrettably mourns the devious monstrosities which unfortunately plague the very poisoned breath it reluctantly inhales. Each square inch of the soiled ground in selected streets and particular moments, is desecrated with the thumping feet of infiltrators who as night owls, parade in the guise of party animators (ls?) as they revel in revealing fashions and tastes, accommodated by receptors of garnished accomplices and profiteering advocates.

In the penetrative depth of her stillness, the once peaceful village of Leonora, slowly rocks in unbearable pain, as she has to endure the uncalled intruders who invade the holistic sanctity, she once boasted in a shriving community of residents who persevered in harmony, friendliness and neighborliness. A historical society, born, bred and developed into sharing and caring for common concerns, has now found itself shattered by a few who are relentlessly greedy, selfish and unabated by the touch of humane appeal, candour applause or empathic approach.

Grounded from the preaching of moral righteousness by pastors, pandits and imams who graced the ancient soil of Leonora, the words of wisdom from such teachings fall on the deaf ears of the defamed enablers and no longer register the significance of dignity, decency or decorum. How ironic that, from a lineage of moral upholders, descendants have failed to fly the flag to honour their ancestors and make them proud of their accomplished executions. The gone but not forgotten seniors, are perhaps questioning the lesson of value from a peripheral sphere. The teachers of guilty perpetrators have to be embroiled in reflective content and to contemplate on suggestive addendums!

Leonora has gone to the dogs, metaphorically and literally. There is no disrespect meant for dogs who are much loved as pets, friends, companions and protectors. Thanks to the complicity of a combination of all authoritative sources, protection for the victims of noise nuisance, environmental pollution, health hazards, drug exposure and crime contamination, has been fervently eroded and undermined. In fact, what is glaringly obvious, is the marginalization of law enforcement and the apparent unilateral address of curbing these social menaces and the honest approach of permanently eradicating these appalling attacks which endanger an entire community and the very lives of the villagers. Those directly and indirectly protected are the guilty schemers who maneuver their extended complimentary freebees to corruptive agencies.

How often is it not a “dog day afternoon” in Leonora? The prominence of too many “stray” dogs patrolling the streets, has exacerbated the problem of over population and providing the danger of unwarranted attacks. The mange and often mangled outlook, vents the suspicion of carriers of disease. The streets need to be ‘cleaned’ up by the relevant agency.

Articles, letters, opinions, columns and editorials articulating the ventilation of menacing nuances and environmental nuisances, in particular in the sensitive location of the historic village of Leonora, remain contaminated with the fervent stillness of a sad state of silence. We see regular reports on how many tickets and charges were issued for traffic violation. The Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, the Honorable Anil Nandlall, made the case for noise nuisance as a criminal offence two weeks ago. Was anyone charged to date? Facebook highlights recorded noise nuisance prevalent between 4 and 5 am in the mornings in Leonora over the sacred weekend. Is there anyone interested to follow up on those incidences? There are so many living examples of guilty perpetrators operating in the presence of police in Region 3 but left unresponsive. Is this how the authorities react to the Honorable Minister?

As the sacred hours of the much-anticipated Muslim holiday, Youman Nabi, approached Leonora, and the Adhan was announced, this early call to prayer was greeted by the protégé of lawlessness, the unashamed noise nuisance and the unabashed contaminators of profanity who adulterated the atmosphere with their impurity. These visionless chastisers who have no fear for law and order, maybe because of guaranteed complicity from the relevant authorities, ensured that their business of questionable legality continue uninterrupted during the entire night and running into the wee hours of the morning. Such is the admiration and felicitation extended to our Muslim community who have tirelessly prepared themselves for this much revered event, by the partial so called ‘business community.’

Would it be too much to ask if the officers at Leonora Police Station and the management of the Community Policing Group should have been prepared for this senseless eventuality and anticipated this demonic display of avoidable perversity? Is this a case of lack of foresight? Is this a case of complacency? Or, is this a case of overlooked inattentiveness? Shouldn’t the authorities have planned to destabilize this fiasco at least for this occasion? Is this the amount of respect shown towards religious programs? Then again, the numerous calls for the proactiveness from these institutions have gone not surprisingly unabated from inception. This should not be negated as an affront to policing or an attack on security but as a wake-up call for future planning with conscionable consequences.

The disturbed residents in Leonora are peeved and feel dejected as their constant appeal for help goes unanswered and unresponsive. Aggrieved residents opinioned that they have been back stabbed as their case lies in the doldrums. Would you believe, the very resident whose house was pelted recently with beer bottles was again the victim of another attack with beer bottles? The entrance of his house is littered with broken bottles. It’s a waste of time reporting to the police. The villagers are now questioning if the “Kingpins” who are the “Dons” in Leonora have a “Godfather.” Leonora sheds tears of blood as she waits patiently for the arrival of a Guardian Angel!

Yours respectively,
Jai Lall.

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