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Leonora, Guyana, is not the only livid and lonely loser, limping along lamentable lines

Jai Lall

Jai Lall

Dear Editor,

The infringement on the right of society to live safely, securely and peacefully has tarnished the image of a once respected village and is creating an unprecedented upheaval, uncharacteristic of the laws of Local Government, flouting the Ministry of Home Affairs, flaunting the Ministry of Legal Affairs, breaching the advocacy of the Ministry of Human Services, encumbering on the Ministry of Health, challenging the Labor Minister, confronting the Ministry of Housing and affronting the Environmental Protection Agency. In fact, holistically, it broaches on the breath of a nation that boasts bravely that, no one is above the law. An insatiable appetite to satisfy a dissatisfied customer with a distasteful meal is being enforced on a vulnerable community. Stripped naked of decency, the respect for moral dignity is washed to the wayside in full view of the upholders of subjective reformers and law enforcers who are also enablers to this incursion and adding to its shriving prevalence.

The simple tool of proactiveness to protect and provide, is conveniently abdicated in order to facilitate compromising accommodation. Teachers, religious advisers, community developers, social workers and upholders of the requisite legal institutions have absconded from their basic duties, failing society and thus, assisting to fuel an inferno. Innocent victims with their backs against the wall, are on the verge of climaxing the pivotal point of frustration and being strongly influenced to grasp the law firmly in their own hands. They are tempted to seek refuge in protection in defense of survival but also, at the said time, encountering exposed danger at the cost of risking their lives. Who cares for the concern of the welfare of people without a voice, who are daily pressured by the offenders and their sustained affiliates being amused by-standers, privately ridiculing the aggrieved party and laughing behind their backs?

Imagine a bar, the size of a double decker 50 x 100 feet, accommodating over the amount of patrons stipulated as per the fire regulations, with only one main entrance and exit for customers, allowed to complete construction without an approved building permission for extensive extension, located in the middle of a residential area and right in front the eyes and nose of all official authorities? How do the Ministry of Housing, Local Government and the Fire Department address this issue?

This building encroaches on the street stipulated reservation and traffic is snarled and stifled when in operation which is, 4PM to beyond 4Am the following morning, Wednesday to Sunday. With cars, buses, vans and motor cycles vying for parking space on both sides of the narrow street, other users find it almost impossible to traverse to their destination. Drivers barefacedly park in front of driveways and side street entrances, creating further bottle neck. What would happen if an ambulance or fire truck has to answer a call in the street? Is the Ministry of Home Affairs influenced to pay attention?

Criminal elements have infested the once quiet street. Drug peddling has penetrated the area. Customers could be seen sharing joints and leaving needles and caps behind. Fights, brawls and other verbal and physical confrontations take place often. Customers resort to brandishing weapons and parading the street in search of their attackers. Drivers can be seen drunk and with beers in their hands while getting in their vehicles to drive. How can the police fail to be cognizant of such dangerous situations?

Ladies of the night unfailingly work the night shift along with suspected under-age girls and boys. A once clean community has been desecrated with prostitution and morality has plunder and plummeted to an all-time low. The rape of honor and dignity has transgressed to a pervading obscenity. Drunk patrons are seen engaging in intimate promiscuity in the public domain. Men and women can be seen exposing their genitals while urinating in the street and on resident’s property. The stench of urine and vomit attracts the infestation of flies and insects and forms a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The street is littered with bottles, cans and cups. These items are left behind and many a times broken and also tossed on residents’ properties. How annoyed are the Ministry for Human Services, the Ministry of Health and the sanitation department?

Lack of decor by the proprietor of the bar and the patrons play second fiddle to the invasion of noise nuisance. Noise emanating from the premises of the bar, adds injury to insult as it is compounded from the noise in the street aflame from loud and lewd laughter, screams, foul language, shrieks, bawling and shouting. Drivers and motorcyclists are engaged in playing loud music, toothing their horns and screeching their tires for fun and to deliberately annoy residents, all hours of the night and morning. Car alarms going off is a regular feature and vehicles racing down the crowded street forms part of the recklessness. Is the EPA influenced in using this ground as a testing ground at 4 AM?

Lack of sleep and proper night rest is of no concern to those guilty of this debacle. Students are affected with their studies, babies and children are kept awake with their parents, the sick and invalid cry for a moment to rest, seniors are transfixed with fervor and those who have to go to work next morning are adamant with fatigue and unable to function. How interested is the Ministry of Labor in this alarming and dangerous situation?

Without exaggeration, the young, sick, weak and vulnerable are tormented and have to seek medical attention for depression and to avoid mental collapse, one family quit the area in order to protect their children while one person who was also frustrated and scared, died from a heart attack. The luxury of enjoying a peaceful walk on the street in the afternoon or evening as an exercise, or just standing at the street corner, is no longer a privilege. The street has been invaded by patrons of the bar, cars and foreign elements which pose a safety and security risk. The Ministry of Legal Affairs’ attention is drawn.

To compound the issue, two food stands have now joined the all-night picnic, adding to the traffic hazard, private exposure, urination, the environmental pollution with discarded food boxes and bones and the noise menace. Who is checking on this abomination?

No one respects the law, even those upholding the law. Even the police can be seen as emissaries of adversities advancing this appalling attitude. The anomaly of a norm pervading with pervasive passion, cannot be underestimated or underrated but is underlined by a war on peace, attack on civility and the erosion of the rights of residents begging to live a peaceful life in a community.

With so many agencies involved in this ground breaking example, it is worthy to note that, this matter was explicitly documented in detail and with all required proofs and evidences and signatures from the neighborhood. The attention of the NDC, the Police and the CPG have fallen short of expectation and would appear as if they are wary of being identified with insubordination. Unanswered calls by the police from residents during the night are no illusion. April to August has been no excursion for enjoyment but an incursion in frivolity.

Would the 43 recently trained police officers in noise management from Region 3 make a difference? Leonora is an excellent starting point to test their skills and knowledge in practical application, education and execution. Leonora is not a lonely and livid lousy loser, limping along this lamentable line in the country.

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall.

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