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Long live Curry Duck! Long live Paratha!

Dool Hanomansingh

With the exception of Vishnu Bisram of NACTA calling for Arrival Day to be changed to Indian Arrival Day in Guyana, there are no plans or programs to address issues in the diaspora.  If there are I would like to know and I would be more than happy to extend my congratulations to those pioneers.

Long live Curry Duck! Long live Paratha!Do we need a museum of Indian artefacts? If so, are there steps to start one? I know that there was a museum at Waterloo but that has been closed for a few years and so far, no formal release has been made by the Maha Sabha on the future of this project.

Nevertheless, what about a virtual museum? Is that a too difficult task for a group of young Indians/Hindus to undertake? It only entails the hosting of a site, and the uploading of virtual artefacts in PDF format with credits to the individuals who have made available the originals and possibly some financial remuneration annually if the project generates a profit.

What about recreational facilities patterned after the YMCA and YWCA where young Hindus can meet and engage in sports such as swimming, table tennis, squash, chess etc.? Do we bother to know of those among us who have excelled in chess and may be willing to develop future talents? What about gymnastics, self-defense and archery? Can Hindu organizations and leaders think along these lines?

Do we have an active hiking club? I heard that there is one. Unfortunately, whenever I attempt to engage their services, I was always told that the leaders are busy but the club is ‘active’… whatever that means! Let’s not talk about making documentary on the Hindu community! While I love the print medium, everyone would agree with me that people prefer videos. Nevertheless, those who claim to have that talent are just too busy…not having the time.

And what about our medical practitioners? What are they doing to restore the community to good health? What about a sports program? Has anyone thought about that? While our doctors focus on diagnoses and prescriptions with the hope that the patient would be restored to normalcy, our sports clubs should consider organizing regular sports meetings in the respective communities. This is the surest and best way to bring about a healthy life style; not a Family Day with a DJ and Curry Duck in Penal.

What plans are afoot to honor Basdeo Panday and Sat Maharaj? Has the UNC or the Maha Sabha announced any plans to honor the contribution of these two stalwarts? If there are plans in the pipeline, they are just not coming forth. I am happy to announce that I have commissioned Neville Lennard to do for me a painting of Basdeo Panday.

I do not wish to raise issues such as the distribution of state contracts, state briefs and the high crime rates including murders, kidnappings, rapes and robberies. These issues are beyond my reach and I prefer they be left for the hardworking business associations across the country to address. As for Rotary and Lions, can anyone say if these social clubs are alive or dead?

Old talk aside, our ancestors have come a long way travelling for miles on foot and bullock carts to reach the Port of Calcutta to embark on a 90-day voyage to an unknown destination. It was not an easy feat and we must feel a sense of indebtedness to our ancestors for not failing us. They toiled and saved their pennies and have laid the foundation for a brighter future. Unfortunately, we are failing them in the fulfilment of our leg of this long and arduous journey.

Has a taste of political power made us dependent on the state for handouts? Where is our entrepreneurial spirit that our forefathers have left with us? As one friend said: “The spirit remains but the entrepreneurship has fled!”

Our history and artefacts may have gotten lost as time passes on but our curry duck and paratha shall always prevail. It is our only hope!

Long live Paratha! Long live Curry Duck!

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