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Photo : Ashook Ramsaran

Indian Diaspora Council International 

Shared heritage, aspirations and interests 

Post Office Box 650523 New York 11365 USA 



For Immediate Release 

May 27, 2024 (EST-USA)


The Indian Diaspora Council International (IDC) joins with other  

organizations and institutions in commemorating Memorial Day 2024 in the  

United States of America. We express sincere gratitude to all who served in  

the military services to defend the nation and made the ultimate sacrifice; as  

well as to medical, police, fire and essential front line workers who risk their  

lives to save others. We also salute all volunteers, advocates and supporters  

who provide materials, resources and services to those in need at crucial times 

of natural disasters and the consequences of violence. 

While we commemorate Memorial Day 2024, we are immensely grieved by the increasing levels of violence  nationwide, wanton killings of children in schools and in neighborhoods, attacks on others because of race,  religion or ethnicity, and resorting to unprovoked attacks and violence to resolve disputes and conflicts.  

Memorial Day is observed annually on the last Monday of May. It was formerly known as Decoration Day and  commemorates all men and women who have died in military service for the United States. It started in 1868 as  Decoration Day after the Civil War and in 1968 the US Congress declared Memorial Day as a national holiday. 

President Joseph R. Biden proclaimed Memorial Day, May 27, 2024: “This Memorial Day, we honor the brave  women and men who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation’s freedom. We recommit to keeping our sacred  obligation to their survivors, families, and caregivers. Together, we vow to honor their memories by carrying on  their work to forge a more perfect Union. Today, as they lie in eternal peace, we continue to live by the light of  

liberty they kept burning bright. To all those grieving the loss of a loved one who wore the uniform, including  our Gold Star Families, and to all those who have a loved one still missing or unaccounted for: Our country sees  you and mourns with you. I know how painful this day can be — how it can bring you back to the day you lost a  piece of your soul. It is overwhelming. No words can ease that grief. But I hope you find a small measure of  solace in knowing that we will never forget the price your loved one paid for our freedom — and we will never  stop trying to repay the debt of gratitude we owe you and them” – USA President Joseph R. Biden

With reverence, remembrance, reflection, respect and gratitude, we pay homage and tribute to all those in the  US Armed Forces who made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives defending the freedoms and safety we enjoy  and so dearly cherish. We also express gratitude for the extra-ordinary contributions of those who served and  are serving in the US Armed Forces, as well as all in various branches of civilian law enforcement, firefighting,  aviation, transportation, medical, auxiliary services and community volunteer services. 

We are grateful for the enormous sacrifices made to maintain and advance freedom and liberty which  universally endear the USA as a beacon of hope, freedom and refuge for the persecuted and downtrodden.  USA’s efforts in promoting freedom exemplify the indomitable human spirit to choose and make decisions for  “the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness”, and has inspired nations and individuals to advance their own  struggles for freedom and human rights. 

Indian Diaspora Council International (IDC) conveys its best wishes to the government and people of the  United States of America, for continuing vigilance and championing the cause of freedom and liberty  throughout the world in close collaboration with other countries, while protecting its citizens at home. 

For more information contact: Ashook Ramsaran at Mobile (USA) +1 917 519 5783 Indian Diaspora Council International (IDC), established in 1997, is an international non-profit organization with global  affiliates and membership in 21 countries with the objective to embrace, engage and enhance the shared heritage, aspirations  and interests of persons of Indian origin with optimum inclusivity.

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