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Mis-represented view on Color & Indians in Guyana and Bollywood


Dear Editor,

I was misrepresented by one Malcolm Alves in a letter he penned on December 22, 2015. (I was responding to Freddie Kissoon). Kissoon had written that “Hindu” movies (not Indian or Hindi movies) were indulging in showing dark-skinned people in negatives/unflattering roles.

To that I responded that Kissoon was being mischievous in stating “Hindu” movies instead of Indian or Hindi movies. I then pointed out that Muslims were involved in producing, directing, and playing lead roles in some of the most popular Indians movies, so why was Kissoon stating “Hindu” movies. He fully well knew the difference between the words “Hindu” and “Hindi”. Kissoon simply wanted to impugn Hindus and thereby Hinduism.

Incidentally, in my letter I mentioned too that a Google search would show the meaning of Krishna as black. As you may know Krishna was often portrayed as dark. So, if Hindus are so colour prejudiced, why would they pray to a black-skinned God.
I continued by stating that contrary to popular Guyanese belief (based on Rum shop talk), Ravan, the foe of Ram in the Ramayan, was a Kshatriya by birth and not a low caste black person.

Kissoon never responded and after that he toned down his writing about colour.

Yours truly,

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