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NACTA Poll: UNC Should Hold Timely and Fair Internal Elections

Dr. Vishnu Bisram

Dr. Vishnu Bisram

A survey being conducted in Trinidad by Dr. Vishnu Bisram for the North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA) on varied issues reveals that the public wants the opposition United National Congress (UNC) political party to hold timely internal executive election and that it must be free and fair and beyond reproach.

The UNC constitution requires biennial executive election and tri-annual leadership election. The last NATEX election was held in 2022 for the leader and the executives. The NATEX election (18 members) is due by end of June. The election for leader of the party is not due till next year.

Two months ago, several prominent members of the party, including five of its Members of Parliament, publicly called on the party leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, to announce a date of election for the National Executive (NATEX). The five MPs and other prominent party members were reprimanded by the leader and members of the NATEX for publicly calling for internal party elections. The leader and other members of NATEX said the party should focus on a general election (due in November 2025) instead of internal party election.

The general public, supporters of all political parties, disagrees with the prevailing view of the leadership and the NATEX members on internal party elections. The public (sample of 432 representing the demographics of the population and the party) unanimously feel that the UNC party should hold executive elections when due. The UNC, under Kamla’s leadership since January 2010, held timely leadership and NATEX election when they were due till now. A majority (57%) of supporters of the UNC feel Kamla will hold timely party election, but a large majority (81%) express concerns about whether it will be free and fair. They felt previous elections were not above remonstration and did not meet the characteristics of intra-party democracy.

The public feel that queries and issues on membership and eligible voters and allegations of skullduggeries in previous elections must be addressed. They say measures must be taken to deter skullduggeries and other aspects of rigging in past internal elections. For a free and fair election, they urge that the leadership (and NATEX) give access of the entire membership list to all candidates vying for a position; that the membership list be formatted and scrambled by constituencies or areas so that members know where they could vote; that all candidates have equal access to members to canvass them for support; that party resources (such as food cards, jobs, hampers, etc.) not be used to woo support; that independent personnel of integrity and beyond reproach be chosen to run the elections; and that the counting of ballots be fair and accurate. It is also felt that the leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, should not take sides in the internal election favoring one candidate or slate of candidates over another.

It is generally felt that if the UNC were to hold a credible, free and fair internal election, it will strengthen the party’s standing with voters nationally enhancing its chances in the 2025 general election. Based on the findings of the current ongoing survey and surveys conducted last January, October and August, if the UNC does not undergo change, the PNM is on course to a third successive victory in next year’s general elections.

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