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No place for the tiny humming bird in this country!

Dool Hanomansingh

The humming bird was sacred to the indigenous people and we had acknowledged that by calling Trinidad ‘ Land of the Humming Bird.’ But when last have you seen a humming bird?

I was fortunate to see one close up as I entered a recreation ground overrun with bushes. Is this the setting for the humming bird and not our well manicured gardens?

Our penchant for appearing ‘English and civilized’ has brought destruction to our environment. Our insensititvity manifests itself in its crudest form when we bully a neighbor to cut down a tree because a branch is hanging into our property. We no longer appreciate the value of trees-habitat and source of food for wild life, for retention of water to stem flooding and soil erosion, a source of oxygen etc. The rarity of the humming bird is testimony of our cruety to nature and ourselves which we are too insensitive to realize.

The indigenous people were uncivilized by our standard but they handed down a pristine environment to us. What are we handing down to our future generations?

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