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Non Indians Embracing Sanathan Dharma


Sanathan Dharma provides an experiential framework for a deeper understanding of our true self, our relationship with the cosmos, and the all-pervading divinity that lies at the core of our being.

Hindu (Dharmic) culture and traditions advocate that we open our hearts and minds to see the universality of nature’s benevolence, which does not discriminate in the dispensation of its life-giving
sustenance to one and all.

Therefore, anyone who wants to know more about their innate transcendence and experience joy,
without fear, by fearlessly surrendering to their natural tendencies with love, compassion and non-harm for all sentient beings, can invoke and experience unbound spiritual awareness and happiness.

In this regard, we are seeing that, increasingly, people from many faiths and races are truly seeking to find a way of life which allows them to be themselves and experience a state of consciousness which
allows them to know their ‘true’ selves and see the universality of all creation.

People from all over the world are finding that Sanathan Dharma provides a practical pathway which allows them to be themselves and experience unbound bliss by dancing, singing and chanting the names of their personalized God and Goddesses.

Cliff Rajkumar

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