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NTA Leader of Trinidad and Tobago slams UNC Leader: Country demands leaders who are prepared to unite and not divide

Gary Griffith

It is with a heavy heart that I must address the ongoing issues within the United National Congress (UNC) under the leadership of Kamla Persad-Bissessar. It is unfortunate that the party has reached a point where its leader seems more focused on attacking and discrediting those she perceives as threats to her rather than uniting and leading with strength and humility. This behavior has driven away countless supporters who are tired of the arrogance and intimidation tactics that have become the hallmark of her leadership.

Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s approach is to surround herself with “yes people” and to undermine anyone who might challenge her authority. This has led to the exodus of dedicated members and has severely weakened the party’s ability to attract new supporters. Her recent public tirades, where she spends more time attacking individuals like myself, three times now, than addressing the real issues facing our nation, are a testament to her insecurity and inability to lead effectively.

It is particularly telling that for the third time Kamla has chosen to attack me unprovoked, despite the fact that I worked closely with her in the last election, supporting her and the party, which saw the UNC/NTA accommodation successfully get sixty thousand more votes than the PNM. Her comments about my tenure as Commissioner of Police, where she falsely claimed I was a failure, only serve to highlight her lack of understanding of national security. The truth is that under my leadership, public trust in the police increased significantly to 59%, and we achieved the highest reduction in violent crime in 17 years—a fact that stands in stark contrast to her baseless claims. And as is now widely known, it wasn’t because of COVID, since October and November 2021 saw 58 and 69 murders respectively, the third and most murderous months at the time, which was achieved after my departure but covid, curfew and SoE still existed., meaning , just like Keith Rowley, she attempted to mislead the country

In addition, one must now question her political acuity, and wonder if she is now the local Joe Biden, since just over a year ago she was holding my hand and saying I was the best Police Commissioner ever, seeking me to speak at the UNC’s crime talks. Will the rank and file now stand up in the same manner as Joe’s people did and ask him to face reality, or will they refuse to tell her the truth?

Kamla’s refusal to engage in meaningful dialogue, her continued attacks on those who have supported her, and her inability to work with others who possess strength and vision are clear indicators that she is not the leader that the UNC, or the country, needs. It is also evident that Kamla is being influenced and controlled by others, such as Jerlean John, who appears to be directing her every move. This manipulation is damaging to the party and to our nation’s future.

The reality is, the UNC has never been able to win an election on its own when there are more than two parties in contention. The path forward for the UNC is clear: it must embrace alliances, unite with others, and work towards a common goal. Unfortunately, under Kamla’s leadership, this is unlikely to happen. Her focus remains on division and destruction rather than unity and progress.

I ask the members of the UNC to consider the future of the party carefully. If Kamla Persad-Bissessar continues to lead with this destructive attitude, the UNC will remain in opposition for years to come. It is time for the rank and file of the party to demand change, to insist on leadership that can unite, not divide. The country deserves better, and so does the UNC.

In concluding, I want to assure all UNC supporters that I have nothing but respect and admiration for your dedication to the party. My criticism is not directed at you, but at the leadership that is steering the party away from its true potential. And for anyone who might want to accuse me and the NTA of attacks, please note that this is the third time we have faced an unprovoked attack. This is why it is time for all of us to come together and demand the leadership that will see us form the next government, not keep us locked in opposition.

Gary Griffith
NTA Political Leader

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