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NY Indo-Carib Tulsi Mandir Commemorates Anniversary

The Tulsi Mandir, located at 11 Street, corner of Liberty Ave., commemorates the 8th (eight) anniversary of its opening with a seven session yagya (Ramayan katha) that commenced last Monday evening and will conclude this Sunday morning. The officiating pandit is Lakeram Maharaj, founder of the mandir, ably assisted by a few other pandits.

The idea of the mandir was conceived some 16 years ago by Pandit Lakeram who spearheaded the fundraiser drive, acquisition of the land to construct the mandir, and also oversaw its construction. The pandit narrated the challenges he faced in acquiring the land space for the mandir as well as in obtaining a permit to build a temple on the property. It is a residential zone and the property had to be rezoned for commercial use in order for the permit to be granted for use as a place of worship. The obstacles were overcome with courage and grit. The pandit thanked those who contributed towards the fund. Some $375K was raised to acquire the land space. Additional funds were needed for the construction of the beautiful edifice.

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