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Only a black man can lead the PNM

Dool Hanomansingh

Dool Hanomansingh

The choice of Stuart Little to lead the PNM only confirms that the 1% had Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley in their wallets. It was not surprising to see business leaders expressing satisfaction with the selection of Stuart Little.

What was most interesting was the massive opportunity given to the Young family to loan money to the government at preferential rates. Nevertheless, the oligarchy has always been ready and willing to put their heads and capitals together to take advantage of available business opportunities.

The 1% has successfully developed limited liability enterprises that helped them to provide goods and services, though at high profits. The questions must be asked: Have the Blacks or Indians put their houses in order to exploit economic opportunities?

While Indians have been struggling to maintain their small enterprises, the Blacks have displayed a readiness to be the house keepers of the 1%. Their coziness with the 1% may cause many to doubt that slavery, indentureship and colonialism ever took place in this fair land!

Truly, the 1% has succeeded in getting the Blacks in accepting their subservient role. What is most interesting is that the 1% is losing faith in the Blacks’ ability even in that role and hence their choice of Stuart Little.

The political fallout from this ‘selection’ of a Prime Minister, and more so, one who is non-Black, may have the potential to stir social unrest.

The 1% must appreciate that a black individual dressed in jacket and tie with the title, if not the power, of Prime Minister is a fundamental pre-requisite for stability in the country. The black man may not rule as such but must be afforded at least the title of Prime Minister with all the paraphernalia that go with it.
While the 1% has, so far, played the divide and rule game successfully, today they are unconsciously working to rally the black populace against them. What we may be witnessing is a return of the 1970 Black Power with a renewed vengeance and vigor to complete the task this round. With the international world engulfed in crises, Trinidad and Tobago may be ignored to destroy itself much to the relief of the returning Donald Trump a la shithole country.

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