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Our ancestors were strong and manly in their conduct

Dool Hanomansingh

Diplomacy is needed more than ever to have cordial and fruitful discussions on issues in this country today. Our minds appear to be doused with flammable substances and willful misinterpretation of words or actions can provoke hostilities and conflicts. Silence, less speaking and diplomacy must be employed more than ever to pre-empt disharmony and open conflict.

Hindu leaders need to be transparent in accessing resources from the State. One growing pain in the community is the ‘under the table’ dealings with politicians that have come to be seen as favors rather than right to the resources of the State as citizens and taxpayers. Not surprisingly there is no clear policy on the disbursement of State funds for Indian culture in particular. It is not uncommon that applications for funding for Phagwa and other festivals from community groups are ignored while a few leaders who know their way around are favored.

The history of the PNM has been one of embracing a few individuals while alienating the majority of the community and labeling them as hostile and recalcitrant.
The Arya Samaj was one such organization whose leadership was hand in glove with the political dispensation. While a few individuals benefitted personally the same could not be said about the rank and file.

Most disturbing is the increasing number of professed Hindu leaders with no more than a two dozen loyal followers courting the PNM in the post 1990s not to advance the welfare of the community per se but for personal gains and benefits for their families.

Building a temple for some of those leaders is no longer using ones hard-earned money but by pandering before the keepers of the treasury, thus compromising our culture of hard work and sacrifice.

Our constitution allows us the right to join political parties and contest elections without being apologetic. Thus, there could be no excuse to turn our yagyas and festivities to political campaigns and rallies.

Interestingly, some of those leaders who are gorrlagaying Dr. Keith Rowley have a history of strong family bond with the PNM stretching over three generations. However, this is no crime and by all means they should feel proud to declare their political identity instead if playing conflicting roles- living in the house of the rising sun during the day and sleeping in Balishier House during the night.

Where are the critics of the PNM’s poor governance model and absence of transparency? Being critical of Kamla is most welcome but why the silence on the government? Rowley, Hinds and Keith Scotland are overlooked while Kamla, Ravi Ratiram and Saddam Hussain are pilloried.

This parasitic URP development model should not be allowed into our poojas and yagyas. This culture of dependency is a major contributing factor to the many criminal assaults on the population.

Hindus must be more conscious of the people they choose to lead them at all levels of the society. We need leaders with a track record of hardwork and service. This surreptitious manner of accessing State resources by ‘under the table’ deals for private gains must be called out and denounced.

Our grandparents toiled in the fields to own their livelihood and never bowed their heads before political might. In this forthnight of ancestral worship we must reflect on that culture of manliness of our ancestors and not fall victims to the machinations and shenanigans of a few vagabonds a la Ravan disguised as a holy one to fulfil their lustful cravings.

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