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OUR POLITICAL CHOICES in Trinidad and Tobago: Unite under Leadership of Timothy Hamel-Smith

Steven Alvarez

Steven Alvarez

There is HOPE led by Timothy Hamel Smith, Patriotic Front led by Makela Panday, UNC, PNM, NTA and a few more including the COP all wishing to have they say in the future management of Trinidad & Tobago. It is a good thing to see the political landscape so fertile.

If one were to examine the policies, they will notice that they are somewhat similar. What sets one party apart and makes that party the best choice for Trinidad & Tobago?

The major factor is not the policies, though they are very important, it is not their racial composition, nor is it the size of their membership. The most important factor is the leader. Is that leader strong enough to stand up against the criminal elements, the powerful business lobby, the religious organizations, and the people seeking personal enrichment at the expense of the State? Is that leader a visionary, able to adapt to modern best practices? Is that leader humble enough to understand that he or she must be supported by a very intelligent, strong team with moral underpinnings?

Hamel-SmithIs that leader free from the hubris and narcissism that leads to the destruction of their organization and if elected the country?

That is the question for the voting public. Which of the possible or probable leaders has the characteristics to take Trinidad & Tobago into a safe, prosperous future? Carefully examine the lives of those seeking your vote. Their life, their pronouncements of the past, their vision for tomorrow, their past and present associations, their spirituality, these are the values that will help one to determine who is best qualified to lead Trinidad & Tobago into a better tomorrow.

Timothy Hamel Smith has been a devoted Catholic, he is not Indian or African, he is not consumed with power, he has surrounded himself with people willing to serve Trinidad & Tobago and not themselves, he is willing to meet with people of every race, creed, and class to arrive at the best team for Trinidad & Tobago. What is even more wonderful is that those on his team are willing to move and have others take their place if better persons were to present themselves.

Trinidad & Tobago has a golden opportunity to unite in the best interest of our Country under the leadership of Timothy Hamel Smith and HOPE. We either do that now and save our country or perhaps one of the many leaders that present themselves for office may be a better option. Examine the horns and see it there are traitors on board.

God Bless Our Nation.
Steve Alvarez

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