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Pandit trapped in PNM’s web

Dool Hanomansingh

While both Pandit Satyanand Mahabir Dube and Inshan Ismael of IBN have the right to comment on the politics of the day including the UNC and its internal elections, the public must know that both gentlemen are supporters of the PNM for reasons they know best. Had these gentlemen placed public morality above self-interests, they would have been exemplars for many of our misguided citizens to emulate. Unfortunately, greed and self-interests always trump dharma in their book.

Interestingly, both Pandit Satyanand and Inshan are laying the blame for the failure of the country at the feet of Kamla Persad Bissessar, the Political Leader of the UNC rather that Keith Rowley, the Prime Minister. Why is this so? It is clear that both men don’t have the moral strength to criticize the PNM. It takes courage to stand up against the PNM. When the UNC was in power several people were openly critical of the government. Today, with the PNM in power, these individuals have gone dumb.  Is it that Inshan and people of his ilk fear Rowley’s shitkickers so much?

Inshan Ismael is the proud owner of the lands next to Divali Nagar. After receiving that gift of State lands from the PP Government he shifted his loyalty to the PNM. But I am not bothered about his political alliance but more so to question what legal authority the Cabinet had to dispense public lands to an individual? More so, Inshan claims that he is building an Islamic hospital and that is fine with me. However, it is time for national security to inform the national community from where funding from this project is coming. The government should exercise caution to ensure that our national security is not compromised on the guise of charity.

The public need to be informed of the number of social and religious organizations that has been receiving funding from the State. In recent years several organizations have new buildings constructed. I would be happy to know the source of funding for these buildings? Who are the Kans and Ravans funding these organizations? When people-centered organizations apply to the State for funding for Phagwa and Divali, they are marginalized whereas these ‘family’ institutions are lavished with state funds as compensation for political support.

Our grandparents taught us to save our hard-earned cash for a pooja. I recall that when my family planned a pooja, a date would be fixed by the pandit at least 21 days ahead so that fasting can be observed and the cleaning of the house and general compound can be carried out. The next step was the purchasing of the ingredients for the mohanbough and this was done piece meal because of limited money. The final purchases were the foodstuff for cooking of the meals and off course the setting aside of cash and gifts for the pandit.

When the Panday administration was in power, the National Commission for Self-Help assisted mandirs, mosques and churches throughout the country. No pandit, imam or priest had to compromise his integrity by attending UNC’s rallies and waving flags to qualify for help from the State.

Not surprisingly, several of those leaders who have sold their souls to Kan and Ravan for a parcel of land and a few loads of gravel, steel and cement are on their way out. While they have succeeded in building white elephants, the following they crave has continued to elude them while their frustration and desperation have compounded.

The pronouncements of Inshan Ismael and Pandit Satyanand Mahabir Dube are significant in a plural society where two ethnic groups vie for power. By holding the Opposition Leader responsible for the declining law and order, growing unemployment, inflation etc, both Inshan and the Pandit are declaring that they are weaklings who lack the moral strength and courage to lodge their complaints at the feet of the Prime Minister.

Life is always about making hard choices hence the setting of the Bhagavad Gita was a battlefield. Ajuna had to make a choice- to kill his cousins for their evil ways or to flee the battlefield. After listening to the teachings of Sri Krishna Arjuna fought the war. Pandit Satyanand Mahabir Dube needs to revisit the Bhagavad Gita so that he can rediscover the moral courage to stand up against Rowley and the PNM. As for Inshan Ismael, Pandit Satyanand should invite him to a Nine (9) Nights Gita Yagya to help rekindle a spark of courage in him. Pandit Satyanand may fail in the end but he can console himself that he was no Sri Krishna, and that he has tried his best.

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