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Vassan Ramracha

Vassan Ramracha

Dear Editor,

Partition in Guyana is inevitable since all attempted solutions failed from shared government to decentralized Government. The African leaders no longer have the support of Big Powers to validate their rigging of elections. Having a PPP – Indian base government is not politically appetizing to the African Race anymore.

African leaders are now debating the idea of partition that Eusi Kwayana had proposed since the sixties to settle the political and economic rivalry among Indians and Africans.

The Amerindians and others may have to join one of the ‘ major race’ in Guyana as they see fit.

The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) is an African dominated body which lends support to the
PPP – government policy to SHUT UP Indians from speaking out on race issues. The PPP – Government is comfortable with Africans speaking out on race issues, but not the same for Indians. The PPP – government is threatened by Indian nationalists fearing that it may lead to the collapse of their government.

The PPP – party has this magical belief that Africans can be muted politically by money and development and this is a BIG political MISTAKE.

The Africans in Guyana is driven by an ideological thinking that ownership of Guyana is theirs’ and Indians are just transient. The African leaders knowing Indians have a numerical electoral advantage and the chance of another rig elections is not convincing is now having the meeting of the minds to discuss partition of Guyana.

Indians in Guyana need to get on the discourse to partition Guyana.

The PPP – party driven by Jagan’s Socialism is not grounded in any Indian narrative compared to the African ideology.

It’s time for Indian nationalists to have a common cause with the Africans in Guyana and work out logistics for the partition of Guyana which is the only solution to Guyana’s ethnic rivalry.


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