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Party Business or Hanky Panty Shenanigan?

Lester Siddhartha Orie

Lester Siddhartha Orie

When you hear from reliable sources that their leader boasts of being bi-sexual; that she has had five lovers obviously of that orientation; that her blue-eyed boy-toy is a notorious homosexual and that is his claim for recognition as a party stalwart; that when she handpicked from among her five lovers an unknown, unqualified female whom she was coerced into removing and for whom she was said to have bawled and cried down the place for when that decision was made for her to get rid of her; when she knows that her blue-eyed bagman was only tarnishing the image of the party but still insisted in giving him a gift-wrapped safe seat you know that party business was replaced by hanky panty business.

The question for all you sycophants who are so blind that you refuse to see these truths, going into an election with so much negative baggage going to advance the UNC cause? Are you prepared to tote all this baggage and lose the election just because love is blind and that is the way of the sycophant – one possessed with the inability to see beyond one’s nose?

We are a country with bright children at both the primary and secondary schools’ levels and yet the adults from among them display an IQ level that is nothing less than abysmal. On what basis could you say you vote for someone who abandoned what she was put there to do and like a bitch in heat chase after her basic instinct.

Sycophants, you have to understand that not everyone is so blind that they refuse to see as you and while you could impose upon the voters of Princes Town something from the world of rodents, there are persons who know a rodent when they see one and the people of this area need a rat-trap to catch this one running free.

We have to re-model the image of this party if we are to even begin to think victory. We must not go out there looking like political beggars, as if we are intellectually bankrupt, as if we are aesthetically challenged coming from the bottom of the Darwinian ladder by using as our poster boy the deadbeat from Princes Town.

There are too many bright and good looking persons who are dime a dozen in this country for this myopic leader to choose candidates as if it’s pick-a-pan. She mistakes pick a man for pick a pan and gives you an old shoe to choose from.

Don’t let this woman hell-bent on having her way have her way. This party is not he personal business, not for hanky panky-panty business and for your own good say to her, scat. Keep In mind PNM will be voting For Rishi Sookhai, a charismatic, young Indo Trini from a a celebrate family while the UNC poster boy is very likely to be Padarath who is nothing that Rishi is, who is everything that should be taboo in the public. UNC people, don’t let Kamla treat the party as if she was there the day it was founded and not at some NAR gathering trying to destroy Panday. Kamla is the embodiment of political hypocrisy and she is making UNC people the jokers of politics.

L. Siddhartha Orie

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