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PEP’s Indian Arrival Day Message

Phillip Alexander

Had this been a real country we should be able to say this morning of the tapestry of peoples that make up this nation “if you pull one thread you pull us all.”

Sadly we cannot. The politics of greed and corruption have used our ethnic differences to keep us divided so the treasury could be exploited.

I’d like to write a story this morning of the Ganges meeting not only the Nile but all the other rivers of our forebears, but that is not the case.

So we continue to mark the days with respect, together but alone.

The East Indian thread in our tapestry is one of bold colors, flavors and sounds, and while we may not have found a way to weave ourselves together, our cultures have meshed leaving all indelible, and none more so than the grandchildren of India.

Today we pay homage to the trauma of separation and the betrayal that was the indentureship contract that gave us our East Indian heritage. We look back with gratitude to bless the ancestors for their courage and fortitude, and wish all the descendants of Mother India whose blood now flows through our collective veins a day of remembrance and pride.

Happy Indian Arrival Day to all.

Phillip Edward Alexander
Political Leader
Progressive Empowerment Party

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