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Phillip Alexander’s New Year Message for Trinidad and Tobago

Phillip Alexander

As a wordsmith every time I sit to write I think of conjuring words like sweet golden honey that would soothe and comfort, but how can I?

Aren’t those of us to whom much is given, much is expected from?

Accolades and best wishes are good, but we need to get to the point where we take responsibility for our country and how it is governed. The bleak crime and economic statistics and the inability to manage something as simple as water or road maintenance tells us that things are not good in the republic, and while best wishes gives us hope, hope left without goals remains a beggar.

We simply must do better, and what better time than the start of a whole new year to set real and manageable goals that takes us forward as a people.

Platitudes from politicians and office holders won’t fix our ailing health care or explain why some of our children get prestige education while others get salt. There are those whose positions could rein in the rapacious banks whose actions are snatching hope away, who should be reminded by us the taxpaying citizens that what we want is a country that works.

I implore you do not leave 2024 failed on the ash heap of history as we are doing with 2023 tonight, with no good success and nothing to be proud of.

We are awash in brilliant minds and good hearts capable of dragging us back from the abyss that racist corrupt politics seems bent on taking us to.

Let us resolve tonight to build hope of a better new year on uniting in common cause so no more of our young women’s bodies may be found in the killing fields of Aripo, and never again could any organisation through incompetence, inaction and cold heartedness abandon members of our national family trapped in a pipe to die.

Tomorrow’s sunrise should shine with the brightness of a people committed to a better country for all.

When you give or send your greetings tonight keep that in mind, so that we could actually change from doom and gloom to happiness for all of the new year and beyond.

Best wishes to all

Phillip Edward Alexander

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