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PPP will win 2023 local elections in Guyana

Jai Lall

Jai Lall

Dear Editor,

AND they are off! No, it’s not the Kentucky Derby or the Rodeo or any other sporting event, but the bitter-sweet race by candidates for the Local Government Elections to be held on June 12 of this year, as approved by Minister for Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamlall.

After a hiatus from 2021, GECOM, chaired by Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh was all set and ready on Nomination Day, to accommodate the processing of candidates from the various parties for nomination.

The massive display of red certainly “out-coloured” the green and the resounding beating of the PPP/C drums sent a shivering feeling to the weaker camp.

There are 80 Local Authority Areas comprising 70 NDCs and 10 municipalities. It is at this level of geopolitical management that Guyanese can choose their representatives to oversee their local affairs by voting them in as councillors.

This is an integral part of the country’s governance framework and any party, individual and volunteer group may contest the elections. Only the PPP/C party has entrenched its accord to contest all 80 Areas.

GECOM’s new Chief Election Officer, Vishnu Persaud, reported that Nomination Day was, “very smooth and satisfactory.”

Guyanese would recall the attempted rigging of the last General and Regional Elections in 2020 by the PNC when the previous CEO, Keith Lowenfield, presented a number of questionable figures and failed to be in compliance with the required electoral rules and regulations.

He, along with Mingo and others are in court currently, charged with attempted electoral fraud. Many of the so-called “civil society activities” have to date failed to acknowledge the attempted rigging of the elections, chastised the PNC for their skulduggery and also refused to take cognisance of the significant role the international, regional and local observers played in preventing another PNC election-rigging exercise.

The work of the ABCE and CARICOM will always be applauded by Guyanese for their stand in defending democracy over dictatorship. For five agonising and testing months, the PNC prevented the PPP/C from occupying their rightful place as the winning party to govern Guyana.

The PPP/C party was sworn in legally and legitimately, only after the US Government placed sanctions on many of the PNC’s leaders and asked the “sanctimonious President Granger” to step aside.

In a typical “wrong-and-strong” manner, the PNC party continues to challenge the legitimacy of the sitting government in power. Slowly but surely, all their acclaimed cases are being denied by the courts and the public is seeing through their game and becoming fed up with their childish tantrums.

Their only alternative is to play the race card as the last means of resort to mislead the innocent and ignite an interest to maintain membership for support.

Guyanese are waking up to reality and are no longer being led by their noses. They see how porous this claim is and are shunning leaders both at home and abroad, who are parroting this claim. Apartheid is a figment of the PNC’s imagination and the unequal treatment claim is an illusion.

The PPP/C on the other hand, is a well-oiled machine, not having to fear anything from the fallacies of the PNC spreading propaganda, or from their distortion of facts, nor from their usual tongue-twisting or their weak and flimsy attacks on government policies and programmes.

The party knows full well that Guyanese have matured over the past two plus years they have been in power, and Guyanese will not be fooled by the cunning and conniving PNC.

Guyanese are aware that there is freedom of speech guaranteed by this government and that they have no reason to restrict anyone from voicing an opinion. Equal opportunity for education is being fulfilled with the number of GOAL scholarships amply available.
Guyanese from all walks of life are receiving house lots without discrimination. The government has initiated affordable loans at a lower interest rate and have removed the long waiting period and red tape, not only for home construction but also for agricultural purposes.

The various grants disbursed by the government is proof of its sincerity for the welfare of the entire population. The upgrade in medical services has positive reactions and is continuously augmented with modern technology and facilities.

The PPP/C has a proven track record and this is their selling point. They do not have to remind Guyanese of the terrible days under PNC duress. This government is perpetually winning friends and influencing people at the global level.

Stakeholders from the international market are seeking the shores of Guyana to partner with the government and the private sector in their developmental projects. The tremendous infrastructure which is transposing a new landscape in Guyana, is a direction with foresight from a visionary party.

Led by the ever-toiling President, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, his entire Cabinet continues to work assiduously and diligently in order to keep the wheel of progress spinning and to increase production at all levels and fields.

The humungous display by the PPP/C on Nomination Day captivates the spirit and energy of a winning party, reflects the exuberance of the supporters, narrates a successful story and articulates an overwhelming victory at the June 12 Local Government Elections.

It is incumbent on any party which wants to govern Guyanese, to participate at this election. Non-representation would limit interest at the general elections and as such, parties would have lost the golden opportunity to really serve the public and understand the grassroot issues. This is where the PPP/C will reign and dominate over any party.

Yours truly,
Jai Lall.

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