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Praise for Barbados PM Mia Mottley

Praise for Barbados PM Mia Mottley

Prime Minister Mia Mottley is going from strength to strength as the leading voice for caribbean peoples and indeed developing nations internationally. Deservedly so because unlike our Keith Rowley she is intelligent, coherent, informed, relevant and eloquent in her opinions and speeches….amd most importantly they all reflect a passion for social and economic justice and equality for ordinary people.

I watched her being interviewed, not for the first time, by Fareed Zakaria this weekend on his globally aired and CNN broadcasted Global Public Square.

She had turned out to be someone recognised intertnationally as a leading spokesperson on the issue of global warming on which she speaks knowledgeably… and doing so in making a case on behalf of developing countries.

I suppose that one day when playing with balls….as in cricket, golf or whatever else, becomes worthy of the kind of our international recognition earned by Mia, our Keith Rowley will achieve what she has for her stand on global warming, its impact on developing countries, the oppression inflicted on our countries and its citizens by developed countries and their agents, the corruption of our leaders and our democratic institutions, etc.

It should be pointed out that all the issues she is championing reflect support for the disadvantaged and are open attacks on first world countries, Big Business and Banking….none of whom Rowley and his Legal Morons cannot crticise because they personally and unashamedly exist with them in comfortable and mutually beneficial symbiosis….at the expense of and in betrayal of the small man – who they took and oath to serve,….in all respects.

We boy Keith Rowley, with an undeserved Honorary Degree in something or the other from Howard and far more resources at his disposal… including more than a dozen Attorneys in his Cabinet and almost all the Senior Councils in the country waiting to feed off his handouts of lucrative legal briefs, cannot rise to levels anywhere near those she has achieved to date….and she is still rising….wthout an Honorary Degree from Howard.

Meanwhile We boy is out looking for his personal international recognition on courses, pitches and places where the rich and famous play with balls.

Eugene A. Reynald

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