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Rambharat did not learn from Deyalsingh and Hardath

Clarence Rambharat, Minister of Agriculture

Clarence Rambharat, Minister of Agriculture

Now that former minister of government Clarence Rambharat is out of the political arena safely, he should thank his lucky star that Rowley did not kick his brown ass with his shit kicker. After Rambharat has returned safely to his home in Canada, he must embark on a pooja and thank the deities for their protection.

If today he has returned to some semblance of sanity and physical safety it is only because of his noble ancestors. Their austerities have certainly saved him in time from the blight that is the PNM. His mother should employ the services of a pandit to jhahray him to rid him of all negative forces that may have invaded his being. He is certainly not as fortunate as Deyalsingh who appears to be admired for his hypocritical pranks daily. The latest is his crying and wiping his eyes with toilet paper, all designed to allay the fears and suspicions of Dr. Keith Rowley.

Rambharat should have realized that the PNM is about nepotism, that is, sharing the plums of State to the party’s financiers, political leaders and ministers, MPs, councilors, and loyal and diehard supporters who receive their quota of hampers, social grants, and employment in URP and CEPEP that qualify them for HDC homes and NIS benefits.

Rambharat failed to understand that the PNM is not about land reform policies. It is about the distribution of State lands to its financiers and sawatis in the party. It is time that the nation be told who are the biggest beneficiaries of State lands in the country- not the small farmers but the financiers and office bearers of the PNM. Rambharat should reflect on who were the beneficiaries of prime Caroni lands that had commercial advantages- not Indarsingh or Kadijah Ameen or Wade Mark but the financiers of the party.

Terrence Deyalsingh

The PNM is not about the farmers of Navet and Mafeeking. These hardworking people are never on the PNM’s radar. Maybe Rambharat had recognized their invaluable contribution to food production in the country and was genuinely making some efforts to give them titles to lands. But he was naïve when he attempted such a task. In his haste to help farmers, he forgot that the PNM is not about empowering the small man.

The political elites of the party govern in a manner to preserve the social structure of the slave society of the 17th and 18th centuries. In such a social structure the house slaves felt privileged eating the scraps of foods prepared for massa and delight in modeling discarded clothing the white women of the plantation handed down.

I always questioned what an intelligent human being like Rambharat was doing in the PNM. I knew that he served as CEO of Caroni Ltd that executed the PNM’s plan of 2002 which included the retrenchment of 9,000 workers and the dismantling of the entire company. Listening to Rambharat convinced me that arrogance had clouded his vision and one day he would meet his Waterloo.

PNM has no place for people of the ilk of Rambharat.  Serving in the PNM is akin to being a servant in a family-you are never to interfere in the family’s affairs. Rambharat should have learned from Hardeo Hardath who faked being dumb, nothing more and served for three terms as MP for Nariva (1971-86). Kamal Mohammed and Errol Mahabir put on blinders and worked like donkeys, staying within their remit in the party- Yes Boss, No Boss. Look at Rohan, Deyalsingh and Kazim. They are no fools! They are simply following the dictates of their director. If asked to jump, Kazim would ask- how high boss?

Rambharat did not bother to understand the adage-common sense comes before book. He should have sought counsel from Rohan, Kazim and Clown Deyalsingh. In fact, it is accrpted that the role of clown is always given to an individual with extraordinary intelligence. Deyalsingh is certainly such a man-ably surviving the PNM!

Rambharat is a product of our education system. It prepares the student to perform a particular task, not to live. Had Rambharat been as limited in his formal education as Kamal Mohammed who only had a school leaving certificate, he would have been still sitting in the cabinet of Keith Rowley drawing salary and enjoying his many perks.

Rambharat is certainly not the hero in the PNM. The heroes would always be Hardeo Hardath, Clown Deyalsingh or Kazim as nominees for the PNM’s Oscar!

By Dool Hanomansingh

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