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Rampersaud Tiwari (2007) on Hinduism and Christmas in Guyana


Dear Brother Eusi,

My profound apologies for this long overdue reply.
Regretfully, I might have continued in my unexpected errant way.
Fortunately, the recent Holi Festival reminded me to respond to your email.
I had made two observations which were expunged from my reply to Brother Vassan.

One: Ganesha was not spontaneously manifested in a virgin-like “immaculate conception”.
The story as I heard it was that Parvati molded him with earthly mud as she wanted to have a son.
She did so as she was going to take a bath in the River Saraswati, the most sacred of the holy rivers.
Then she asked Brahma the Creator to vest her mold with all the divine qualities of a human being.
Then, Brahma turned Ganesha over to Vishnu the Preserver to sanctify him with longevity in life.
How Ganesha received the head, nose and tusk of an elephant is a later story of the powers of Shiva.
The lesson here is that of “separation of powers” in Brahma, the Creator; Vishnu, the Preserver; and
Shiva, the Destroyer. Thus Parvati and Ganesha were inducted into the regimes of heavenly divinities.

Two: Divinities of Hinduism and Christianity possess sacred powers in respect of their spheres of influence.
Devotees should render things that are sacred to each divinity in his or her heavenly court of judgement.
At the behest of Christ, this principle is entrenched in the operational dynamics of secular government.
To wit, “Render unto Caesar, that which is Caesar’s; and to God, that which is God’s”. AMEN OM SHANTI.

In my mortal journey in this life, I have seen numerous infantile ways in which the sacred is often profaned.
These games will not cease. I will try not become a player. I will persist in remaining devoted to my ancestors.

Glory be to God and the ancestors. “Yatoh Dharma, Statoh Jayah” – There is Virtue in good Conduct.

Best wishes to all.

Rampersaud Tiwari

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