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Raviji calls on Hindus to forge a new wave of consciousness

A section of devotees at Epic Hanuman Chalisa Chanting at the Divali Nagar.

A section of devotees at Epic Hanuman Chalisa Chanting at the Divali Nagar.

More than 15,000 Hindus don in red garments assembled at the NCIC (Divali Nagar) Grounds, Chaguanas, Trinidad on Saturday April 27, 2024 to declare their love and devotion to Hanumanji, the most favorite among the many gods they worship.

I arrived a few minutes before Raviji was introduced to speak. The crowd was the largest I have seen and a single photo could not have captured this sea of red. I do hope that a photograph was taken with the aid of a drone to capture the entire crowd in a single frame.

In a short address to the huge gathering which he estimated to be 15,000, Raviji said that the Pran Pratistha of 22nd of January has evoked a ‘powerful tug in our hearts and our memories to re-awaken the spirit of Sanatan Dharma…’  Appealing to the followers of Sanatan Dharma, the indigenous people and followers of the traditional African faiths, Raviji surmised that ‘we have a responsibility to this nation to do big things, to move big things.’

Leader of Opposition with Ramayan characters.
Leader of Opposition with Ramayan characters.

Describing the gathering as a maha viraat samgam, a maha yagya and a maha sadhana, Raviji said that the gathering provides an opportunity ‘to forge a new wave of consciousness.’

Dubbed “Epic Hanuman Chalisa Chanting 3,” the event attracted many volunteers from various organizations. The volunteers of Seva TT played a critical role according to Soan Ramnath who is also a volunteer or Swayamsevak. While Raviji was the chair and inspiration for the Epic he has accepted that “I am an old man” and so allowed other youths to take the lead role like Gyan Ramlogan, Ganesh Raghunan, Krishna, Yogita and several others. Pandit Sirjoo has also been outstanding in the planning and execution of this epic event and has not for a single moment allowed his age to stop him. In his address Raviji was high in praise of the volunteers who worked in the hot sun all day distributing flyers but ‘return to the office with broad smiles on their faces.’

At 2 p.m. devotees were given the opportunity to make their offerings to Lord Hanuman and at 5 p.m. the official program was started. After the opening remarks by Raviji the chanting of the Hanuman started with different groups and pandits.

Dr Pradeep Singh Rajpurohit, High Commissioner of India to Trinidad and Tobago.

Many distinguished pandits and devotees joined in the chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa including Sunil Seetahal-Maharaj and Lutchmidath Persad Maharaj. Eighteen (18) media houses were carrying the program live including IETV, Sankya TV and Doordarshan of India which was facilitated by the Indian High Commissioner who was fully in support of the event from the inception.

Also gracing the program were Kamla Persad Bissessar, Leader of the Opposition and several of her Members of Parliament including Dr Roodal Moonilal, Jearlean John, Ravi Ratiram, Barry Padarath and Dave Tancoo.

Soan Ramanth, a leading organizer of the event with special responsibility for parking of vehicles shared with me that HanumanJi has the power to destroy the evil forces that are stalking the land. The increasing crime rates including robberies, rapes and homicides have citizens living in fear and the deity with the power to arrest this scourge is Sri Hanuman who as a very powerful warrior has defeated numerous demons to restore law and order.

A gathering of 15,000 Hindus would not be appropriate without the availability of pepper roti, doubles, samosas and other delicacies. Several devotees had access to these stalls to make their purchases. Several huge tubs with bottles of water were available at various spots to compensate for the heat.

Meals were prepared and laid out at the front entrance for devotees to take when leaving. A small trickle of devotees began leaving before the official close of the program but not without their boxes.

This huge gathering has certainly raised the consciousness of Hindus to stand for their dharma. The event has convinced me that we can achieve success so long as we can put out hearts and heads together to work not for ourselves but for greater welfare of all.

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