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Phillip Edward Alexander

Phillip Edward Alexander

Dear Editor,

Best wishes to the Spiritual Baptist Community and the nation state of Trinidad & Tobago for righting an unforgivable wrong. In a nation where the adopted national anthem proclaimed every creed and race was supposed to find an equal place the Shouter Baptists would continue to be persecuted for their faith. Archbishop Barbara Burke fixed that, and before any Prime Minister could stand on any podium and sing Baptists songs for freedom, they should walk a walk of shame for the ease with which those with power oppressed and continues to oppress those perceived to be without power in this country.

This holiday marks the righting of that unforgivable wrong, for the ease with which those in authority have hurt simple people over the years.

CELEBRATE A FREEDOM!!! But remember what you celebrating, and who you needed justice from.

On this auspicious day the country as a whole needs to take notice and take a lesson from the Shouter Baptists, and unite to free itself from the hateful tyranny of any government that fails to recognize the rights of the people, including their rights to worship.

To the Spiritual Baptists stand tall. In my lifetime the Charismatic Movement of mainstream Christianity adopted many of your expressive styles of praise, and you are owed thanks for showing us all these years that it is more than okay to lift your arms and sing a joyful song in praise.

Phillip Edward Alexander

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