Rickesh living in New Yawk
in Uncle Sampat backyard
suh dem deliver straight to ee
a sammans from abroad;
courtesy of abee saroo bhai.
Sammans does not authorize
any intrusion into any mailbox
which in Uncle Sampat backyard
requires a legal binding paper
without which, it’s a crime.
A sammons is like a nowta
dat de bell ringer use to give
wid a couple grains of yellow rice
and details of the wedding house
about who is getting married when;
or who is holding Jhandi or a Yag
in thanks or prayer for a boon.
Rickesh should never miss a nowta
whether wedding house, Yag or Jhandi:
plenty seven curry on a purine leaf
followed by trup-chal and kheesa telling
and if perhaps you’re an influencer
an opportunity to tell yuh own kheesa
or kheesas about yuh saroo bhai.
Tulsi Dyal Singh, MD.