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Say No to Conversion

Dool Hanomansingh

Dool Hanomansingh

[The activities of the church in the developing world including India and the Americas are aimed at manipulating the demography of a country to the advantage of the US. By having a Christian presence in a country, the US can make spurious allegations of persecution to justify interference and intervention in its internal affairs. More so, the real objective of the US is not to help but to derail the development goals of countries such as India so that it can continue to enjoy a dominant market share of the global economy.]

The pastor who runs around the country saving souls is not doing so for the love of Jesus or humanity but to line his pocket. He is usually an individual with limited education and skills but with the ambition to appear strong and successful. Not qualified to win a high-income job, the church is viewed as an avenue to fulfill this ambition.

The church in your neighborhood is usually affiliated with a parent church in the US. The parent church usually makes appeals for funds on behalf of the affiliate church to a gullible congregation of mainly lonely widows and widowers who want to do something good before their departure.

The pastor glibly paints a picture of Hindus in Trinidad ‘needing to be saved from worshipping a blood-thirsty demoness called Kalli.’ The local pastor would be invited to the US to authenticate what the US pastor has been preaching.

The presence of the local pastor provides an opportunity to appeal to the congregation to make generous contributions. The US pastor would shower praises on him for the great work he is doing to save souls from burning in hell. The local pastor would usually give a personal account of growing up in a Hindu household where ‘the cow is worshipped along with four-handed gods and goddesses.’  Much would be said about the worship of Mother Kalli who is described as ‘demonic and bloodthirsty.’

More than 90 percent of the collection remains in the US and a pittance is given to the local church. The exact amount given is never revealed to the congregation. This is usually a private affair between both pastors. The local pastor does not complain since he is not obligated to spend the money on his congregation!

Too many conmen are affiliated with religious institutions to use it to their advantage. NGOs are registered and bank accounts are opened to collect donations to help the needy.  The money collected don’t reach the poor but are syphoned along the way. Despite this open stealing few are ready to demand proper accountability from religious bodies.

Only this week a journalist that collected money to help victims of Covid 19 in India have failed to give a proper account of the money spent. Instead of the United Nations investigating the activities of the journalist, it has gone on to question the credibility of the Indian judiciary and the actions of the authorities in trying to make the journalist and NGO accountable.

The activities of the church in the developing world including India and the Americas are aimed at manipulating the demography of a country to the advantage of the US. By having a Christian presence in a country, the US can make spurious allegations of persecution to justify interference and intervention in its internal affairs.  More so, the real objective of the US is not to help but to derail the development goals of countries such as India so that it can continue to enjoy a dominant market share of the global economy.

Unfortunately, these dhal baat pastors don’t seem to understand, far more to appreciate these concerns. Their focus remains on immediate personal gains-to enjoy the Lord’s bounty.

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