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SOS Pool of Sharpshooters & Bounty Hunters

Lester Siddhartha Orie

Lester Siddhartha Orie

When we have world leaders who are technically outlaws, doesn’t it make sense to find a way, anyway, to remove them from office before they commit their crimes against their countries, against humanity?

So what gives Putin (pukin?) the right to invade the Ukraine and start killing innocent people just because he has the military might to do so? Throughout history we have had wild west outlaws, political hooligans, like him (individuals) one man armies, who in their delusions of grandeur, sheer madness, and their desire to see blood flow, mobilise and convince their soldiers that they must invade another country whom the make out to be their enemy.

Because we suffer from the herd mentality, we heed the words of our leaders hardly ever thinking that we might have mistakenly put some genuine crackpot in power to seek our interest not knowing that he/she might be staring mad. What is so unreal is that we have had evidence of so many mad men being voted into power by who else, by we the people, and then let them like the Pied Piper take us down the abyss to Armageddon.

We not learning, right? After Hitler we thought we might not let another holocaust happen; but since then there have been holocaust after holocaust because we the people believe in the childish game of follow the leader. We have established the UN and in recent times the International Criminal Court. While the UN is a talk shop and the Court has flexed its muscle in one or two cases, their presence has not been able to intimidate barbarians like Putin and North Korea’s Kim and other wannabe sawdust Caesars strutting their stupid selves up and down the place.

So what do we do? Since it’s open season for wild west criminals to shoot up the place, we have to fight fire with fire. We have to give the Criminal Court some muscles to flex – i.e. we have to give them some firepower. Thus if you have Putin for months threatening Ukraine with invasion the Court sends a sharpshooter or two and just take him out and there goes one danger to humanity. Why can’t some world leader be sent by the Court to shoot to kill such a menace rather than shake hands with him, and when the mission is accomplished he gets the Nobel Peace Prize?

The High ‘em High template might be the only way to straighten out this world that is always on the edge because of world leaders who often act as if they are gods in power when in fact they are just criminals destroying the good and peaceful life they were put in office to protect and preserve.

If we create this new Order, see how better this world would become. This might sound a bit too cinematic, but it will have to happen in real sooner than later.

L. Siddhartha Orie.

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