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Vassan Ramracha

Vassan Ramracha

After independence of India in 1947, the rise of minority groups became the dominant majority that ruled India / Bharat for approximately 60 years. The Communists,

Muslims, Christians and those who fall under the Leftists movement occupied the Congress Party Government of India and all its main institutions were without the Hindu Majority having any real input in the affairs of Bharat in making decisions..

The Hindus was practically made to subdue their religion’ and way of life to avoid conflict with the minorities – Muslims, Christians and Leftists.

India’s Congress Party government was Socialists and lent its support for those who were basically not Hindus.

The Communists controlled the educations systems and by extensions controlled the minds of the masses of Indians. The Muslims had special Laws to adjudicate their own legal systems [ Marriage – Property Rights ] and the Christians had the best schools and the rights to propagate and convert Hindus with foreign and state funds.

Hindu schools and temples were regulated by the state and did not have the latitude as others.

The Hindus majority in India was directly controlled by the state and made to suppress their advocacy of their Dharmic Culture so as to not cause communal problems. The silent Hindu Majority was ironically now a Minority in India until the coming of the Hindu Messiah’ in 2014 Prime Minister Narender Modi and the BJP-Party coming to power… now Hindus and Dharmic ways are becoming the Majority again.

Since from 1776 In the USA Anglo – Northern Europeans were the majority in America and controlled most government institutions – Judiciary Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch that make America Great.

After year 2000 America leftists with a percentage of other ethnic and culture groups and migrants the majority whites were reduced in their dominance to the status of the new minority as the Leftists had been in and Hindu Majority India.

America is now awaiting for their Conservative ‘ Messiah’ to lead all Americans to the promised land of milk and honey.

In Trinidad and Guyana the Indians are made to believe by leftists Indians and by Blacks[Africans] Leaders that the Indian Race does NOT have first entitlements and must accept that the Black Race although in the Minority is the Majority.

The only way for Indians in Guyana, Trinidad and Suriname can behave like a majority race like in India and the USA , is for a local Modi Messiah to arise which would be most welcome. Again, unless the Indian race fails to act united as one politically in Trinidad/Guyana , their race status will remain as an inferior minority.

Sita Ram.


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