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“The Lila of Mata Sita”

Jai Lall

Jai Lall

King Janaka was tilling the fields,

To harness the blooming yields.

It was a miracle that the King beheld,

Unbelievable, doubts were dispelled.


With a body caked up with dirth,

Mata Sita broke through the earth.

Smiling sweetly with a baby’s mirth,

Such was the strange and divine birth.


The prize and pride of Mother Nature,

Her presence presented a fertile feature.

Coming with the blessings of the soil,

To preserve her dignity, she had to toil.


In a garden, a child did richly blossom,

Awaiting her warden, a prince so handsome.

Lifting Lord Shiva’s bow in a game of ball,

A promise to fulfil, Shri Ram was the call.


From Ayodhya, a marriage procession came,

Her life changed, never again to be the same.

Queen Kaikeyi’s maid, Manthara was her name,

With venom, she poisoned, with her lame.


A princess was her flourishing temporary life style,

With Shri Ram to the forest, she went with a smile.

Trials and tribulations that stretched many a mile,

With love and devotion, Mata Sita endured all the while.


Shri Ram, Sita and Latchman, with fourteen years of adventure,

Through the forest and villages, meeting Shri Hanuman, they did venture.

The entry of Surpanakha and Ravan made quite a difference,

The imprisonment of Sita by Ravan, what a famous reference!

Shri Hanuman found a pious Mata Sita all alone,

Deceived and defeated, Ravan could not decipher a clone.

The destruction of Sri Lanka, to set the righteous Sita free,

Falling too, Ravan and Kumbhakarna, all did joyously see.

Returning to Ayodhya, Sita brought much happiness,

A family reunion, palace and people enthralled with gladness,

A celebration with fame and flame ignited with finesse,

Short and curt, Sita again departed to the forest, with much sadness.

Sage Valmiki came to Mata Sita’s rescue,

Giving birth to Lava and Kusha, Shri Ram had no clue.

Put again to the test, ad nauseam and ad infinitum,

Mata Sita returned to rest, in Dharti Ma’s bosom.

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall

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