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The opposition UNC led by Kamla Persad Bissessar has gone into meltdown mode.


Dear Editor,

The party’s budget response has been abysmal and vacuous with each member trying to outdo each other with inanities and crude language. The stage was set by the leader who delivered a boring and lackluster ‘response’ to the budget.

Kamla, a veteran member of Parliament and arguably the longest-standing opposition leader, showed that the effects of time have taken their toll on her frail mind and body. She showed no knowledge of or forgot the procedures of a budget debate.

Her holding a press conference during the parliamentary contributions was probably to try and explain what she meant to say during her muddled contribution or, most probably, to try to upstage and undermine her own members. If Kamla had such bombshells, why did she not pass this information on to her colleagues or wait until the standing finance committee to seek an explanation?

Kamla cannot stand to see others on the news. She realized that her response to the budget was a flop. She got no traction, so she went to a press conference to try and get into the news with some expose. That too flopped!

But wait, that was not all the fun. Up came two of Kamla’s angels, the Member for Princes Town and the Member for Tableland \Moruga. Both regaled the population with the most crude and vile parliamentary language, one acting as if he was in a crowded market and the other as if she was in a fishing depot! One member described women’s undergarments with intimate knowledge and the other about putting a highway between someone’s legs. [Hansard will confirm].

In between all this were signs of fracture in the UNC as MP Padarath spoke of the contributions of a UNC A Team in Parliament, clearly peeved that a member of the ‘dissident’ had spoken before him.

These are the circus characters Kamla is offering the electorate for her next Government!

Rabindra Moonan.
San Fernando

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