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Ticketing Rohan using the Pakistan Model

Lester Siddhartha Orie

Lester Siddhartha Orie

When we heard in the past of the military taking over countries ousting their legally elected governments, we all joined the chorus that condemned such actions as being unacceptable, undemocratic, ignoring that when governments are no longer of the people, by the people and for the people, they are no longer legally holding office and that their removal by whatever means should be a universally acceptable law, practice.

Four years ago Imran Khan was elected Pakistan’s president – not just courtesy the ballot box but because the military flexed their muscles in support of him. Four years later, that military support was withdrawn which explains why what took place in parliament: parliament voted him out knowing the military would be ok with his removal.

Military involvement in the political arena might not sound progressive but when governments use them to pursue their own selfish, dictatorial agenda, it is kosher, halal, for them to resist such orders and defend the people who might be the victims. You see, if the Nazis and Gestapo had said to Hitler to go to hell and turned their guns on him instead, WW11 would not have happened; and if right now in Russia the military turn their guns on Putin WW111 might be prevented.

In our situation, rather than our police hound civilians gleefully dishing out tickets to them, left right and centre for minor contrived infractions – many caused by obscene road conditions come about since Rohan Sinanan became the Minister of Transport, wouldn’t it be more appropriate for them to turn their guns, er, their ticket books on him and for every pothole they come across they write out a ticket for him, stating for Rohan Sinanan for the criminal abdication of his duties?

Rohan is the ticket book economist and most likely tells Rowley that whatever monetary shortfall there is because of the Petrotrin closure and their other failed fiscal policies, he will make up for it by picking the pockets of poor citizens for speeding tickets, dark tints, a smooth tire, and the wearing of no seat belts etc.

That citizens, is no economic policy, that is the dictatorship of an IQ-challenged totalitarian mind. All over the world now there is a happy index measurement of citizens daily lives; where people must feel they are free from government harassment. Now, when you see police, do you feel they are out there to protect and serve you or are they out to get you because unknown to you your taillight a minute ago just went out when you dropped into a Rohan-made pothole?

Police, don’t be the lackey of this man whose objective is to terrorise citizens and make our lives a living hell. When the Sikhs in India felt Indira Gandhi was against them, they took matters in their own hand and, when also, the Tamils felt Rajiv Gandhi was anti-Tamils they got him too.

These were unfortunate incidents but the point is, when we the people begin to feel that uneasiness that the government is using the police to get us, it is time for the police to take the educated position that after work they are still one of us and that their bosses having messed up are using them to clean up after them.

The robot is made in a lab, while you of flesh and blood are made from love, not hate and pettiness and are not subjected to the dictates of a puppet master.

By Lester Siddhartha Orie

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