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Time for Indian activists to make a last stand.


Photo : Manny Budhu

Ask any Indian from Guyana if the PPP did more than PNC to develop Guyana and the answer are overwhelming yes, ask why are they getting less and fewer votes relative to the opposition, since 1992.  On that they become perplexed with a loss for words, usually, their last words are “me nah know bai”. The PPP won the last election with just a 15,000 margin if current trends continue, the PPP should be out of power in the next election and NEVER hold office again. Had Burnham/Hoyte/ played the game nicely, their successors would have never been in this winning position. Burnham emptied Berbice, Hoyte came to his senses and emptied the East Coast with “mo fyah, slo fyah”.

In 1991, Hoover Business intelligence, a political risk assessment firm reported that in the event the PPP won the election they expected the Opposition to “sabotage the incoming Government using their majority in the armed forces and bureaucracy. ” That prediction was spot on. Black leaders tend to realists, if they can’t get Indians to vote for them, let them vote with their feet.  Indian leaders are idealists, who help fund their own destruction, instead of taking care of those who voted for them, they’re actually taking care of their rival’s supporters and then boast about it.  It was the PPP who boasted in full-page ads that 95% of all public housing built by them went to Afros, it was the PPP who, as a reward for beating up Indians in 1998, provided   $1 billion for Afro empowerment.  Even today, the PPP continues to provide Linden (an Afro town) with subsidies totaling a billion-dollar per year. Civil Service workers  blackmailed the PPP and won a 42% pay raised in 1998. Jagdeo then implemented a VAT to help pay for the ransom.

What most Indians never seem to understand is that Afro-Guyanese view Indians as interlopers, something reinforced by Black intellectuals. After the British departed, the patrimony belongs to them. As such, the “Indo problem must be dealt with”, like what Mugabe did to Whites and Idi Amin did to Indians.  Amin’s expulsion of Uganda’s Indian probably pushed Burnham to start his own pogrom, as that move was widely supported by the vernacular press across Africa and Black intellectuals across the world.  One can expect a politically motivated crime wave and destabilization that started after the 2020 election to continue for the next four years. The opposition will become more ferocious as they try to erode that margin. of merely 15,000. Like I said, all political entities acting in their own interest. except, of course, Indian leaders.

I have approached Indian activists and organizations (when they existed) and argued the case for using the laws. I had hoped this would set a legal precedent important when Indian becomes the minority. As we have seen,  Indian leaders are reluctant to pursue those who committed crimes against their supporters but have no problem running to the Courts when the election laws are being violated.  Guyana is a party to OAS, CARICOM, UN, Commonwealth, ICC, and the Geneva Convention, so they’re required to follow those laws. Zimbabwe was kicked out of the Commonwealth after refusing to accept their Supreme court ruling on land seizures.  Human rights activists were able to get results in Argentina, Chile, and Guatemala that saw top officials, including former Presidents indicted for war crimes, albeit with help from Western-based Human Rights organizations. Amazingly the PNC are the ones using the laws, remember the Court order on Janet Jagan ?, the Commission on death squad ?, the Commission on the 2002 elections ?, foreign investigators for the Henry boys ?. In my view the situation in Guyana has limited options, what could have been in 1992 does not exist today.  Time to prepare for the eventual return of the Opposition with all of its consequences.


Mr. Budhu can be reached at

On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 7:07 AM freepomeroon <> wrote:


Mr. Vassan Ramracha’s recent article on “Indian apologist” hit the mark. For some insane reason, Indian intellectuals/leaders/appeasers believe for peace, to exist Afro concerns must be satisfied. Indian apologists don’t believe in Justice, revenge or partition, so what do they really believe in ?.  Well the only thing left is appeasement. Usually, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Twenty-three years of appeasement has left the PPP weaker than ever, their opponent stronger.

 The PPP’s responses to PNC’s destabilization efforts is a good case in point. We were told that the Hermanston Accords will solve things, until we need the St. Lucia agreement. Indians were told that forgiveness for PNC criminals in 1992 would lead to unity, that failed, Gov’t funds for Afro empowerment in 1998, that failed, Hermanston accords/St lucia agreements (that violated the constitution) that failed. Appeasement after anti-Indian attacks/massacres after 2001, that failed.  On and On, we’re told these actions will buy peace, but in reality its a smart strategy employed by the opposition.  The Jews warned the world about the dangers of appeasement, few listen.

 I remembered reading a cable on the “unity talks” between the PNC/PPP around 1979.  The cable revealed the talk is just a rouse, to get the PPP’s leadership to believe a united force is possible, thereby limiting their desires, to undertake more radical measures. Burnham played Jagan like  an angler baiting a fish. Today the PNC has narrowed the gap, the PPP won the 2020 elections with just 15,000 votes. (down by over 50,000 in 1992).  The PNC has no incentives to cooperate and make Guyana a better place. Had Burnham or Hoyte been “good” leaders, their current compatriots would have no chance at winning a future election, now thats possible in the next election. Its quite possible the PPP will lose the next election if current immigration trends continue. Indians will then face an existential threat, especially if Black nationalism takes hold.  All entities act in their own interest, except of course  Indian leaders.

Manny Budhu can be reached at

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