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Time Up for US and its Allies!

Dool Hanomansingh

The US interference in the internal affairs of nations to effect regime change is well-known throughout the world. Sadly, those governments and leaders who have been victims of the US foreign policy have not been able to resist and challenge this sinister design of the US deep state. Over the 20th century and now into the 21st the US has become bolder and open without fear of global repercussions. Nevertheless, the interference in the politics of Bangladesh and its sinister move to interfere in the internal affairs of India would now be met with the fiercest resistance.

While the west has rule India and imposed their values and culture, they have left behind English Language which is the global language of communication and more so in the international gatherings such as the United Nations General Assembly, the G20 and G7 and the BRICS nations. Given Indians love for English, India has now developed media houses and media personnel that can challenge the like of CNN, ABC, Bloomberg and BBC. Global media is no longer a one-way traffic. Over the past decade the Indian media has grown to be second to none and can present their side of the story on any global issues including the removal of Sheikh Hasina from office in Bangladesh.

India has been able to engage the world and western think tanks to put forward its point of view. In addition to its most articulate foreign affairs minister, the Indian society has a number of public figures who are welled versed in foreign affairs and geopolitics in particular to rival western interests and opportunism.


What is most interesting is that this challenge to the west is not confined to the government of India but also include academics and other media anchors such as Arnab Goswami of Republic Television and Palki Sharma of First Post. These media anchors are the modern generals in the battlefields defending India against the onslaught of the western powers headed by the US.

The Indian government is today calling out the West to make amends to the global institutions such as the Security Council, the IMF and the World Bank etc. Large parts of the world with huge populations such as South America with a population of 500M, Africa with a population of 1.5B and Asia with 4.8 B contrast with North America with less that 400M and Europe with 740M are not reflected in these institutions.

The post- 2nd World War leadership of the world has given the western powers an advantage and more so was the rise of the US dollar as the global currency. With this advantage, the US has used the dollar to sanction against countries it chooses to dislike for one reason or the other. Nevertheless, the changing world order led by the BRICS nations is challenging this dominance of the US dollar. Today BRICS nations are trading with their national currencies and the Chinese yuan has now surpassed the dollar in global trade. Moreso, the many sanctions against countries such as Iran, Venezuela and Russia have failed to create the negative economic impact expected. Russia today has an economy that is growing at a rate of 5.4%.

The future of Bangladesh is Libya and Iraq-social instability and economic decline. The achievements of the Sheikh Hasina government are going to recede as the country descends into social chaos. The current caretaker government led by Mohammed Yunus with the army and generals in the background is going to fail to restore normalcy.

The US must address its internal challenges and cease being the global policeman. The world has changed and the US must wake up to this reality. It is time for the US and Europe to acknowledge the rise of China, Russia and India. The Islamic world and Saudi Arabia in particular had enough of the US and wants to be free to choose its allies to best suit its national interests.

Europe must accept that the current migration crisis challenging their sovereignty and social order is their making. They have supported the US in its proxy wars in the Islamic world causing the displacement of millions to seek refuge in foreign lands. The western powers have a duty of care toward those displaced Muslims from the Islamic world including Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan.

It is about time that the US and Europe wake up and accept the global reality that is before their eyes. The west has not only destroyed the greater part of the world but is now working against their very own society. The future of the US and Europe is no longer prosperity and democracy but social chaos and civil war. Europe, failing to accept that their society has failed, has now found a scapegoat- immigrants and Muslims.

The Indians are not a violent people but has the intellectual might to unleash against western media houses that has always controlled the narratives- weapons of mass destruction. The Indian media and think tanks are educating the world on the conniving posturing of the west and exposing its appetite for propaganda and half-truths to spread social chaos and bring about regime change. Time up for the US and its allies!

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