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Phillip Edward Alexander

Phillip Edward Alexander

There continues to be too much politics in the appointment of a police commissioner in this country, and the government exerts far too much authority over a post that should be beyond their political reach.

The Police Service Commission needs to become more than a tool of the Prime Minister’s desires. Extending the current office holder’s tenure last year and waiting until a few months ago to treat with her replacement makes the point.

Randolph Burroughs was Williams’ man of business, and we all know how that went. Noor Kenny Mohammed had his date of birth magically changed repeatedly to keep him from retirement under a subsequent administration. Stephen Williams set the tone for the acting of commissioners that opened the door for Prime Ministers to manipulate the office by holding his job in their hands. Gibbs and Ewatski were unceremoniously removed when it suited another administration. Laws were changed for the appointment and then removal of a non police officer under the current administration. If you needed evidence of the sordid history of the highest law enforcement office in the land, that should suffice.

For there to be a true separation of powers, the political directorate must be removed entirely from the process of appointing a commissioner, and the rules for removal must be clear and enforceable.

Anything else will continue the circus that currently obtains, leaving the officers below with little to respect, and the public at large underserved entirely.

Phillip Edward Alexander
Political Leader
Progressive Empowerment Party

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