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Trinidad MP seeks support for Farmers


Photo : Ravi Ratiram

From Ravi Ratiram

MP for Couva North Ravi Ratiram urgently requests coverage for a pressing issue affecting the Jerningham farming community. In November 2022, these farmers experienced devastating floods, yet they have not received any flood relief compensation or grants from the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries. This lack of support has left them in distress and uncertainty. The attached press release includes photographs illustrating the extensive damage suffered by the farmers, who now face financial losses and an uncertain future. By shedding light on their plight, we hope to bring attention to the need for immediate action from the government and to safeguard our nation’s food security. Your coverage will play a crucial role in amplifying the voices of these farmers and holding the government accountable. Please consider covering this urgent issue to bring about the support these farmers.

The Jerningham farming community, which was severely affected by devastating floods in November 2022, is still awaiting much-needed support from the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries. Despite the passage of time, these farmers have not received any form of flood relief compensation or grants, leaving them in a state of distress and uncertainty.

Today, Couva North MP – Ravi Ratiram, the Opposition’s Shadow Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, got copies of several letters that were received by the Jerningham farmers from the Ministry of Agriculture. These letters were in response to the farmers’ applications for flood relief compensation which were denied by the Ministry of Agriculture.

MP Ratiram is calling upon the Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Minister Kazim Hosein, to take immediate action, demonstrate some level of empathy, compassion and understanding and provide the necessary support and assistance to the affected farmers.

Several photos were also received (see attached) showing the floods in November 2022 which caused significant damage to the agricultural lands and crops of the Jerningham farmers. These farmers who had invested their time, resources, and hard work in cultivating their lands were left devastated, facing financial losses and an uncertain future. While the farming community expected relief and support from the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, they have been left in limbo, without any form of compensation or assistance.

The lack of support to the Jerningham farmers is deeply concerning and raises questions about this government’s commitment to our nation’s food security and the welfare and livelihoods of those affected. The delay in providing flood relief compensation or grants has not only hindered the recovery efforts of these farmers but has also underscored their lack of confidence in the government’s ability to address their needs in times of crisis.

MP Ratiram urges the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries to prioritize the plight of the Jerningham farmers and swiftly implement measures to provide the necessary support they urgently require. It is crucial that the Ministry takes immediate action to review the extent of the damage, expedite the process of compensation or grants to assist the affected farmers in rebuilding their livelihoods.

Additionally, MP Ratiram calls upon the Ministry to engage in open and transparent communication with the Jerningham farmers, keeping them informed about the progress of assistance efforts and providing them with a clear timeline for the disbursement of funds. This will help restore trust and confidence within the farming community, reassuring them that their concerns are being addressed and their interests are being protected.

The Jerningham farmers have experienced significant hardship and deserve the full support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries. It is imperative that the Ministry acts swiftly and decisively to provide the necessary relief, compensation or grants to enable the affected farmers to recover, rebuild, and sustain their agricultural activities.

MP Ratiram urges the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries to demonstrate its commitment to the welfare of farmers and the agricultural sector by promptly addressing the needs of the Jerningham farming community. By doing so, the Ministry will not only assist in their recovery but also send a strong message of support to all farmers in Trinidad and Tobago.

Ravi Ratiram, MP,
Member of Parliament,
Couva North.

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