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UG applauded for efforts under VC Paloma

Dr. Vishnu Bisram

I mentioned in a letter (Oct 9) that a tribute program was organized for the late Forbes Burnham and co-hosted by the University of Guyana recently on the occasion of his birth centennial, and that a similar honour was not accorded to the late Dr Cheddi Jagan, founder/leader of the PPP, on his centennial in March 2018 at UG. I also stated that no party supporter or lecturer, or social science department at UG organized a tribute to the great freedom fighter and trade unionist Dr Cheddi Jagan who was kept out of power through fraudulent elections. However, it was brought to my attention by staff at UG that the University’s history department did honour the late former President Jagan with a program. Also under then deputy VC Paloma Mohamed’s guidance, several events were held to recogise the work and contribution of various national heroes inclusive of Jagan from all ethnic groups that came to Guyana. These events were usually planned and executed and supported by all stakeholders. Under now VC Paloma leadership, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the university founding, tributes are made to Jagan for his visionary leadership. The university has educated tens of thousands since its founding 60 years ago. Jagan was a visionary on education in the same mould as Jawaharlall Nehru of India who founded several universities.

Based on the information gathered, much progress has been made under Dr Paloma’s leadership on university’s programs and Public involvement. Unlike in the past, events are now more widely publicized, and the members of the public are invited to participate in them as happened, for example, when the Gladstones visited last month. I commend VC Paloma for her encouraging and supporting public participation on university matters. I would like to encourage the VC and her team to keep up the good work they are doing in this regard.

I also have a few suggestions of my own which I will share with the university in undertaking events aimed at honouring our past and present leaders which I will share separately.

VC Paloma Mohamed is certainly on the right track in her leadership and should be applauded for her her and the university efforts.

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