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UNC Needs Two Magic Words

Lester Siddhartha Orie

Lester Siddhartha Orie

Whatever UNC pontificates from the highest mountains, regardless of how many speeches officials/spokespersons make, and incriminating evidence they provide that the PNM has been corrupt and incompetent, it would all amount to nothing if Kamla remains the leader of the party. For, apart from her sycophants, the real discerning UNC supporters know that via her stupid diabolic modus operandi she will again choose candidates who should not even be considered for a village council election.

In short, intelligent people know that they will be making fools of themselves by supporting her for five more long years knowing that when the time comes to make the right decisions, she is going to revert to the Padarath-type syndrome which is equivalent to the dropping of the baton (in a relay race) at the last moment.

So all these Monday night forums (for rum) and Peoples’ Revolution are a waste of time, and it is embarrassing to say the least that big men and women are being led by Kamla as all she campaigns for is yet another term as opposition leader. People can’t you see this woman is playing with your heads because obviously she thinks you all are IQ challenged and that you will sing her praises to high heavens while she pursues her own selfish agenda?

Again, the next election is one that Rowley and or the entire PNM could be annihilated, but it is one in which Kamla is going to snatch defeat from the possibility of a landslide victory that could be hers just so.

Finally, PNM has so messed up that all the UNC has to do to secure victory in the years ahead is just being able to say, “Kamla Gone!” and victory shall be had. Not being able to do that shall see the continued spinning of top in mud, and dancing on the spot of the UNC ad infinitum.

Remember the two magic words: “Kamla Gone!”. And if she gone, the PNM also gone!

Yours truly,
L. Siddhartha Orie

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