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Unite Against Conversions

Vassan Ramracha

Vassan Ramracha

Dear Editor,

The Abrahamic religions [ Christians / Muslims] are in competition on a global scale to monopolize Gods’ word in their religious doctrine by converting non Hindus the conversion by the Abrahamic forces are accomplished by FORCE, TRICKERY, OR
CONQUEST OF NATIONS. Such conversation creates WARS’ and RIOTS both within nations and globally. The crusading Christians and Muslims will fight each other

in the name of their religion based on their ‘TRUTHS’ to save the world.

Unlike, the Abrahamic Religion Hindus or the doctrine of Sanatan Dharma seek TRUTHS and does NOT have a monopoly on Gods’ and therefore do not have ambitions to conquer Nations in the name of Dharma.

Hindus are only interested in protecting sanatan dharma in its BIRTH PLACE BHARAT and among those in the DIASPORA.

Most wars in World past and present is a product and by product of colonization by the Abrahamic Conquerors who have disrupted national boundaries, and cultures , its Gods’ and way of Life in the name of their ‘truths’

The Abrahamic People are governed by their religious dicta especially Muslims to do what is the ‘ Necessary Sins’ to Islamize or christianize the World.

Today Christians and Muslims are exploiting Democratic Secularism in Bharat / India to destroy Hinduisms [Sanatan Dharma].

Hindutva is the awakening of all Bharat people to respect and keep alive the birth right religion of BHARAT – INDIA – Sanatan

Dharma – .
All Hindus must stand up against the Abrahamic SINS of proselytization.

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