The High Commission of India in collaboration with the Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Cultural Cooperation and the Councilor for Cedros in the Siparia Regional Corporation unveiled a Mahatma Gandhi Statue at the Manmohansingh Park in Cedros on April 24, 2022.
The unveiling was held in celebration of Indian Arrival Day and featured remarks from H.E Mr. Arun Kumar Sahu, High Commissioner of India, United National Congress (UNC) Opposition leader Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, National Council of Indian Culture (NCIC), Gandhi Seva Sangh and Former Minister Dr. Surajrattan Rambachan.

The port of Cedros holds great historical importance as it was the port of disembarkation for East Indian indentured labourers who first came to Trinidad on the 30th May 1845. In the mid- 1980s Cedros became a rallying point for the Indian Arrival Day celebrations with thousands gathering for elaborate cultural events and a symbolic landing of immigrants.
In 1985 the Siparia Regional Corporation commissioned a monument to mark the arrival of East Indians in Trinidad. The monument featured a boat with a father and mother and a child whose hand was pointed inland symbolizing not only arrival but the land that was to Become home. Then Councillor Basdeo Manmohansingh in whose family name the Manmohansingh Park has been named facilitated the actual on-site Construction works.
The placing of a statue of Mahatma Gandhi in this park is very symbolic as it serves as a reminder of the importance of non-violence in the pursuit of a better world.
The unveiling ceremony featured a short cultural programme.