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Vote on Issues, not race baiting, appeals Trinidad Political Party


The Congress of the People is not surprised at the unfolding events taking place on the political hustings.

There is no truly united force operating in the political space, race-baiting outright lies and half-truths, and personal attacks are being presented to the masses. If this is taking place at the Local Government Elections level, one can only wonder what we can expect in the next General Election cycle.

The Congress of the People, therefore, asks, all of our right-thinking citizens, to refuse to be influenced by the continuous garbage being spread; we encourage you to begin asking the right questions, like how local government councilors function, what level of services should I be expecting, when last did my councilor visit or make my life better and most importantly does any of the current prospects really care?

Make the decision not on party or race but on representation! Don’t be fooled anymore by the old talk, by the paving of the roads and cleaning of drains once every few years, it’s time to demand more and not let up after this election. We cannot do the same thing and hope for betterment anymore.

Ask the candidates to commit to delivering, make them sign statements of intent, and if or rather when some fail, hold them to account! You, the voter; has the power to make this happen, don’t waste it.

As we continue to forge a cohesive team with the aim of not simply removing the current administration but presenting an inclusive, workable, and sustainable option, be assured that having taken the hard decision not to contest this election, we will be ready for the next that is to come.

Remember these simple yet powerful words “Side by side we stand” and know that true success is achieved only as “Together we Aspire Together we Achieve”, and nothing less.

May God continue to watch over our beloved nation Trinidad and Tobago.

Kirt Sinnette
Political Leader
Congress of the People
One Nation One People

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