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When will the Guyana election saga end?


Photo : Dr. Gary Girdhari

The world has been watching the disgraceful Guyana election saga! People who love freedom and democracy, who have endured pain and suffering, and died … are staggered and pained by the inanities of the current electoral impasse in Guyana – a deliberate ploy by the incumbent caretaker government. It is an embarrassment to say the least.​

The election result should have been declared in a matter of a day or two at the most. Why not?​

Indeed, the result was declared. Yes, by Mingo. Mingo fiddled despite the known and evident SOPs, which all parties had obtained. Mingo of Region 4 fiddled. Why? His tabulation were/are at variance with the SOP. How so? Does Mingo understand elementary Math and simple spreadsheet? Is he a dunce? A simpleton? What is he? A cog in the machinery of rigging, that does the bidding of his masters. If he is not a dullard, then who exploits his puny mind? Who are theintellectual authors of the fiasco, and the dictators of the nefarious deeds? Are they in the hierarchy of the PNC? Is it Granger? Is the AFC and WPA complicit?​

Mingo is not a dunce. He is doing what is expected of him from his superiors, his “bosses”. I really do pity him. He is a puppet, a nondescript dull characterless peon.​

Granger, who denies knowledge of rigging historically speaking, being a so-called historian, disavows historicity. The world knows and he, the historian, does not! What a preposterous and repugnant posture coming from one who also assumes religiosity as he kneels in church! A fake, a charlatan, but not devoid of his central purpose. He is a diehard and abiding Burnhamite deserving credit and accolade from the faithful! Importantly, who are the puppeteers?​

But is it Mingo alone? How about Lowenfield and Claudette Singh, and other minions in the GECOM apparatchik? Mingo is ostensibly culpable. He is the fall guy. Allegedly, he is guilty of fraud and treason of the highest degree. For this alone he should have been summarily jailed.​

In the course of time, all of this will be over. Awaiting the axe to fall, where it may. The result will finally be declared, in spite of the ineptitude, fraud and trickeries, dishonesty, deceptions, and cons. There may be sanctions which I hope do not happen. While it may be payback time, it is always the poor who are affected the most by sanctions.​

What I hope for and advocate is a Commission of Inquiry, nonaligned, impartial, from Caricom and international organizations, and individuals of impeccable repute, to address this ignominious and shameful scenario.​The Commission of Inquiry should give them their rewards, be it CCH, OR, or Jail.

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