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Why are Indian writers attacking P.M Rowley ? He serves constituency interests!


Photo : Manny Budhu

Dear Editor,

I have noticed lately, that many Indian writers and commentators have been attacking P.M Rowley and the PNM in Trinidad. No doubt race is a driving factor behind such attacks. The PNM, like the PNC haven’t been fair to the Indo population, but who’s to blame. African leaders serve the interests of their supporters. Do Indian leaders serve the interests of their supporters?

Black politicians in Guyana or Trinidad were never shy nor embarrassed about representing the Interests of Africans….in fact they’re proud to do so. Mr Rowley proudly proclaimed he was “proud to be African, and that Africa lives in him”. What do you expect him to do….not to support African interest ???.

Indian politicians are the total opposite….they don’t want to identify with Indian causes, and can’t even bring themselves to say the phrase “I am proud to be Indian” yet Indians lined up in droves to vote for them, then complain when they’re neglected. In May, President “well fed” Ali in his emancipation day message used the term “brother and sisters” five times….three months later, in his Indian Arrival day message that brother and sisters solidarity was missing not even mention once.

Indian politicians know about “indianness” only during election time and discard that robe once in office. Yet Indians continue to kiss their asses and then complain. Cheddi Jagan boasted in full page ads in 1997 that 92% of all public housing built by the PPP went to Afros. If Burnham had boasted about the same thing…Indians would have called him a racist. In 1998, after the anti Indian riots, the PPP unveiled a $8 billion program to empower Blacks. Had Burnham/Hoyte done the same, Indians would have jumped up and screamed racism. How come it’s not racism when Indian politicians do it.

Today, there is a resurgence about Cheddi Jagan’s role in destroying Indians in Guyana. Cheddi supported the PNC and was more concerned with Apartheid in South Africa than apartheid rule in Guyana. Jagan proudly proclaimed that the PPP is “not an Indian party” at York University in Toronto in 1994. Yet. the Indian masses love him. Panday, when in power was told by Indian nationalists to take control of the power structure in Trinidad. He called them “racists”. Yet when he was kicked out of the Parliament Gallery, he said it was because of his “race”.

President Ramoutar who once said “Guyana don’t have a race problem” changed his mind when out of office (when he can’t do a thing about it). Indian politicians, like Indian intellectuals are looking for Black approvals. It gets their juices flowing when Blacks give them accolades. Like I said before, ask any Indian politician to say he/she is proud to be Indian in front of a mixed audience and they’ll get diarrhea. Is it a wonder why Indians are in trouble everywhere they settle outside of India ?

Instead of attacking Mr. Rowley, I would like to congratulate him for looking out for the best Interest of his people…and that’s the definition of a winner and leader of a race or of a race based party.

Yours truly,
Manny Budhu

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