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Why Indians/Hindus Must Support Trump

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

In recent weeks, I have been getting E-mails from minorities about why I am opposing Socialism and supporting President Trump. The Democrats and the leftist hoodlums are trying to turn the presidential election into a race war between minorities and whites. Supposedly, the only “good whites” are the leftists, who oppose American: traditions, God and religion, heritage, and heroes. One of my respondents said that I should remember that I am a “Brown Skinned Minority.” In other words, I should vote according to my color or race i.e. minorities should vote for the leftist Democratic/Socialist takeover of America. Regardless of how the Democrats phrase their language, they mean vote “Race.”  Biden told some Blacks that if they don’t vote for him, then they are not really Black. It’s “OK” to play the race card, if you are a Democrat.

The Democrats are saying from their warped vision that voting “race” by minorities is not racism; it’s considered voting for the good cause of Socialism.

Now let’s look at the history of Socialism. The Soviet Union lasted for about 70 years. After the fall of Soviet Socialism, Russia emerged with a third world economy. Most Eastern Europeans are begging to be part of the Capitalist European Common Market. For the first time in the last 70 years, Eastern Europeans are shopping in supermarkets with abundant supplies of foods. They no longer have to stand in long lines waiting for basic supplies: bread, meats, and groceries.

Since Independence, most third world nations adopted some form of Socialism and State run corporations. Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and some parts of South East Asia have experienced stagnated economic development, or economic regression. These Socialist nations have all faced bankruptcies, falling living standards, hunger, and lack of basic necessities that we take for granted in the wonderful Capitalist Western World and its Allies (U.S, Northern Europe, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan). South East Asia, South Korea and Communist China started earlier to ditch Socialist economics for Capitalist Market Economics. They have all done exceedingly well.

The majority of third world nations kept Socialism and remained poor to this day. Over 30 million third world immigrants and refugees have “voted” with their feet by finding their way to Northern Europe. Over 50 million minorities are now living in America. They also “voted” with their feet to make their home in the “Greatest Country in the World- the United States.” Hundreds of millions of refugees from the Socialist Third World are currently planning their swimming route to N. Europe and the United States. The lucky ones will use dangerous “dinky” pirogue fishing boats.    

No country is perfect. All countries and societies are evolving. All countries have social and political problems with race, class, religion, ethnicity, color of skin and various forms of tribalism. America and Europe certainly have their problems with the above issues. Regardless, life is a million times better in Northern Europe and America.

So, where do we go politically from this junction in life? We have many choices. The choices we make today will affect your children and your grand-children- all posterity. Once we make the wrong choices, sadly we may get into deep “shit,” and we may not be able to change our choices.

 The presidential elections are coming up in 2 months. If minorities think race, the choice is clear. Minorities will vote race. If minorities vote race, they can’t accuse others of racism. Some white leftist Socialists will vote for Socialist Biden/Kamala. CNN, MSNBC and their LGBT hosts are pushing for the Socialist Democratic team. An important factor to remember is that at least 50% of minorities are now middle class. Also, for the last 50 years, minority leaders have been pushing a victimization mentality among their people. This leads minorities to have a “one track” mentality of thinking that everything in America is bad. This mentality leads minorities to have “Tunnel Vision” to see only the negative aspects of America, even when these same minorities are working for over $100,000 and live in the best affluent neighborhoods or own homes in excellent white middle class suburbs.

A VICTIMIZATION MENTALITY IS SOOTHING, BY BLAMING WHITE SOCIETY FOR ALL OUR PROBLEMS. If we as a people have to progress, we must STOP seeing ourselves as only VICTIMS, but as people capable of improving ourselves through hard work, not through rioting, destroying valuable- sometimes minority owned-  properties, and the destruction of our history and heritage. In any country, HISTORY and HERITAGE are not going to be all APPLE PIE, these things come with THE GOOD, THE BAD, and THE UGLY.  We can’t change or erase history, so APPRECIATE the good, and learn from our past mistakes not to REPEAT the BAD, and the UGLY.

For the last 60 years, the Democrats have been mayors of about 50 cities in America, and most of these cities are slums. In most of these cities, crime is out of control. Most decent people can’t go out at night, without risking their personal safety. Women face the possibility of being raped. Even adult men are mugged. Night time belongs to the criminals. From Dusk to Dawn, it’s curfew time for decent people. Democratic mayors have turned our cities into a “LIVING HELL OF CRIME WITH NO POSSIILITY OF MEANINGFUL CHANGE.’ Most minorities know what I am referring about in Democratic controlled urban living.

 Because of Tunnel Vision, minorities are still voting for the same Democratic mayors. Is this ADDICTION to STUPIDITY or are we minorities MENTALLY CHALLENGED?  For the coming presidential elections, follow IBM’S MOTTO-THINK DIFFERENTLY. Think POLICIES and OUTCOMES, not RACE. If the Democratic Party wins, we will see: the destruction of religion and God in our lives, as was the case in the Soviet Union; the failed policies of rampant Marxism; fewer jobs, and less economic opportunities; wholesale slaughter of babies ripped out of their mothers’ womb in abortion clinics; and social chaos etc. Yes, the Democrats are good on Rhetoric, but not too good on delivering solutions. You have a choice to choose Socialist Democratic ‘SHIT’ or progress with President Trump and the Republicans.

Where do Indians stand in the war between the Leftist Democrats, and President Trump’s Republican Market Economic Policies?

1). The Democrats are very anti-India and anti-Hindu. Joe Biden calls for a ban on using the Swastika, knowing that it is a religious symbol for Hindus.

2). President Trump wants to expand Trade, and Scientific and Technological cooperation with India.

3). President Trump wants to sell advanced weapons systems to India for its defense against an increasingly hostile China.

4). With the support of the Republicans and President Trump, India will increasingly play a greater role in International affairs: economically, politically, and militarily.

5) The Indian economy has done well in the last 10 years. Its economy needs continued growing trade with the U.S. to further prosper.

6). Desecration of Gandhi’ statue: the leftist Democrats want to destroy the statue of Gandhi in New York and Washington. The leftists have gone mad. Imagine they are desecrating the image and memory of Gandhi, a man whose teachings influenced Martin Luther King!

The Democrats will oppose the above 6 policies of President Trump and the Republicans.   

Now, we can be proud of Kamala Harris, who was raised almost exclusively by her Indian mother. Kamala had visited India many times, while she was growing up. I am sure she has good feelings towards India. However, she seeks votes from the belly of the beast i.e. the anti-Indian Democratic Party and its supporters. Edward Deming, a management expert, once said that if you put a good person in a bad system, the system wins every time.

When Kamala joins a bad system that is the anti-Indian Democratic Party, the anti-Indian sentiments and policies of the Democratic Party will win, and India and Indians will lose. Regardless of how we feel towards Kamala as an individual, as Indians we cannot support a Joe Biden/Kamala Harris presidential ticket. Such support will be to the detriment of India and Indians. 

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