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Why is Hindu dharma on the rise globally?


By Naresh Beharry

If the data in the internet is to be accepted, the population of Hindus in Trinidad & Tobago is estimated at 24% in 2020 with the population of the country estimated at 1.531 m in 2022. Data for 2011 revealed that the population of Hindus is estimated at 18.2%. If this data is correct, it would mean that the percentage of Hindus increased between 2011 and 2020 by 5.8%.

It is interesting to note that 11.1% of the population was categorized as Not Stated in the 2011 statistics. Given the reticence of Hindus to declare their religious identity I would estimate that Hindus were approximately 7% of that 11.1% which would bring the Hindu % to 25.8%.

To have an estimated 24% Hindus in 2020 would only mean that Hindus are becoming more open in declaring their Hindu identity. In no small way this may be due to the rise of India as a global power and the influence of the worldwide net which makes information readily available.

As for Hindus who have been born Hindus but recently entered the Pentecostal Faith, they would have much of their Hindu past in terms of music, food and other cultural behavior that would keep them not only socially but also psychologically tied to the Hindu culture.

Pentecostal families with children attending Maha Sabha schools are very open to their participation in all cultural activities including the Bal Vikas, singing of bhajans and participation in festivals. Parents are happy that their kids are exposed to this part of their heritage which is now viewed as progressive because the academic performance of the SDMS schools are above the national average.

Travelling to the developed world such as Canada and the USA has exposed a number of Pentecostals to the mandirs and the vibrancy of the culture. Moreso, the cultural segregation of the society has driven Hindus into their mandirs to give them social security in their culture. This experience is now being reinforced in Trinidad where pastors in the churches have to identify with Indian culture to keep their flock.

The rising number of Hindus in the middle class is now exposing the socioeconomic backwardness of newly converts in the churches. Surrounded by individuals with limited ambition to improve their educational and material status, a number of converts are returning to Hinduism. It is now common to see Islamic families leaving their children to marry in strong middle-class families, affirming the truism that money has no barriers.

Also, with Hinduism being less rigid and more amorphous, a number of converts can be Hindu and Christian at the same time. This can be seen among several Presbyterians who are now declaring themselves Presbindus, thus enjoying the best of two cultures.

Even non-Indians are now having a better understanding of Hinduism mainly through the internet. Many educated Africans have only admiration for Hinduism, not withstanding their involvement in yoga and meditation classes. An example of this phenomenon is the involvement of Marshal Montano with the Isha Foundation led by Sadguru of India.

Several Hollywood stars, business tycoons and politicians have embraced Hinduism for this outlook, thus providing Hinduism with a philosophy of detached enjoyment of the material world. Will Smith, Julia Roberts, Sylvester Stallone are among the big stars of Hollywood that identify with Hinduism. Directors like George Lucas have included Hindu concepts like Brahman and Maya in movies like Star Wars and The Matrix. Tulsi Gabbard, a leading US politician, has declared herself Hindu.

PEW research has revealed that more than 18m American participate in meditation. Transcendental Meditation ™ founded by Maharishi is estimated to have more than 6m adherents with members of The Rolling Stones and The Beatles among its adherents.

Hinduism does not shun material success in this life. It teaches detachment rather than an abstinence from enjoyment. This is a more rational understanding for individuals who have a drive to create wealth and enjoy the best the world has to offer. It is not surprising that Hindus in the USA are in the top socioeconomic bracket with 85 percent having a first degree and 57% having a post graduate degree.

Also, Hindu dharma is not in conflict with other cultures, thus allowing a Hindu to fit into a multicultural society without the compulsion to bring others to their way of life. Hindus do not hold up the view that their faith is beyond questions and so do not engage in religious debates and confrontations that is integral to the followers of the Abrahamic faith.

The leadership that India offers the world is a proud moment not only for Indians and Hindus but for all oppressed peoples of the world. India remains the only civilization that has not beaten the drums of wars to invade foreign lands but has always been restrained and just in its interaction with others. Given the bloody history of the world, many see this as a worthy lesson for all aspirants for a just world to emulate.

Hindu dharma is open and welcoming with no compulsion for anyone to identify with rigid doctrines. Its buffet-style presentation allows the new comers to take portions of the varied dishes that best suit their culinary delights.

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