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A tarnished world in turmoil portraying problematic protocol and pretensive poise

Jai Lall

Jai Lall

Thomas Paine wrote, “A real man smiles in times of trouble, gathers strength from distress and grows brave by reflection.” The world is in a perpetual turmoil, unsettled with political upheavals, ravaged with wars, devastated by storms and floods and challenged by athletic supremacy. Safety, security, stability and sanity are infected with corruption, crime, climate and competitiveness.

While a hungry child roams the desolate street in search of food due to politicians mismanaging the affairs of a country, another homeless child seeks shelter as homes are destroyed by the shelling of bombs from war infested nations. Yet again, an unfortunate dead child’s body drifts purposelessly, caught in a flood in a country devasted with swift moving rivers washing away mud banks, as leaders delay decisive decisions on the dangers of global warming. With the glory of gold, a passionate child awaits an opportunity, mesmerized with the thrills and talents tailored for the Olympics.

A workaholic United Nations remains awakened by being resolute in salvaging and solving these puzzled riddles, affecting the international community with socioeconomic and geopolitical repercussions. US Secretary of State, Mr. Anthony Blinken, in a meeting with the UN Secretary General, Mr. António Guterres, told the press, “In this troubled world, cooperation between the United States and the United Nations is absolutely essential.” These two portfolios are constantly in demand of attention, as the preservation of the human race in danger, remains a daily challenge.

The world still views the US as a “Big Brother” to lean on their strong shoulders for support in the time of dire need even though, the US open secret stipulates permanent interests and not friends as a built-in precautionary measure. Meanwhile, the tripartite brotherhood- in – arms (metaphorically and literally), cements the staunch relationship among China, Russia and North Korea, who view the US as an affront to world supremacy. There is a strong under current generating a tsunamic tide which sustains and submerges an undeclared economic, political and social cold war. Is the diplomatic world hiding behind the process of problematic protocol and the procedure of pretensive poise in order to publicly prevent any pronounced proclamation?

A trot around the political globe is no excursion. Elections in India and South Africa have forced the forging of coalition in order for the incumbents to retain power. Did religious and economic quarrels qualify any quagmire? Mexico and France have seen the rise of women as new leaders. Equality of women have been re-enforced. The UK has settled for Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party over the Conservatives, to oust Rishi Sunak, an Indian immigrant. Race cannot be ruled out as a deterrent or detriment element. Are leaders willing to factor the dignified elements of honesty, honor and humility for the good of politics in order to wash away any dirtiness?

Maduro’s return to power in Venezuela stems from a questionable victory which contradicts the Carter Center’s opinion and numerous astonished countries. A controlled electoral system and institutional personnel and the unavailability of documented proof from Maduro, conclude the collusion of massive irregularities. Again, the prowess of a dangerous dictator is designed for another season of mass migration.

Bangladesh fell victim to a youthful uprising which resulted in former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigning along with her entire cabinet, and, fleeing the country to seek refuge in India. Professor Mohammed Yunus, a 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, now heads an interim government. Economic hardship, dictatorship and religious issues, all play a pivotal part in this disruption.

All eyes are keenly focused on Trump and Harris for the November election in the US. Trump is trumpeting the race card and Harris is gaining momentum with the Women’s Lib and immigrants, not to underestimate the Black consciousness.

A bird’s eye view from a room on top of the world shows countries still fighting for what they will die for and leave behind, a piece of earth. Land has been man’s saviour for sustenance and destination from expiration. Claiming and occupying the right to own and control has plagued history with many wars dating centuries old, BC, AD or CE.

References may be made to the Mahabharat War, the Crusades, the Medieval wars, World War of the 7th Century (602-628), the Hundred Years War (1337-1453), World War 1 &2, The Cold War, the Nam War, the Middle East Wars, War on Terror and the current Hamas and Israel and the Ukraine and Russian wars. Mother earth has absorbed blood and bodies ever since man started to fight with his neighbour. Many innocent lives were lost, many maimed and disfigured, properties, lands and buildings destroyed, families separated and the spoils of war greedily gulped up by opportunists. Bitter tears continue to be shed as the cry for peace goes unheard and the cruelty of war fuel the ravage of time. When will world leaders learn to spurn the five evils of destruction – lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego, in order to achieve real peace for the preservation of goodness, victory, glory and unfailing righteousness?

This year, Summer is accompanied with severe weather creating chaos and havoc, following thousands of deaths and damages throughout the world. An unprecedented heat wave in the US has been telling, especially among the sick, the young ones and the senior citizens. Forest fires have devastated thousands of trees. Torrential rain has resulted in mud and landslides, high floods covering low houses on the ground and rivers bursting with swift moving tide, crashing into shores and washing away mud banks, houses, vehicles and trees. Hurricanes are uprooting agriculture products. Heavy storms have caused tsunamic waves to hit the shores. Unusual hail storms brought the size of a 4-inch ice ball in Spain. Tornedos have hit many areas and many countries have felt severe earth tremors and earthquakes. In all the continents, the weather has not been kind and did not spare man, animals or properties, killing millions of chickens. The National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, reported a total of 227,494 persons affected and 32,837 houses damaged by flood in 27 states across Nigeria and 16,488 hectares of farmland with crops have also been destroyed. Is Mother Nature repelling against inadequate waste management, poor drainage infrastructure and deforestation by man?

What a way to end the 2024 Olympics with the appearance of Tom Cruise and thousands of athletes parading the streets of Paris. Marred by a contradictory opening ceremony, the games have left participants experiencing tears of joy and sorrow, some disappointed, dejected and disciplined. But, in the world’s horror house of mystics and mystery, the international leaders can learn from the lessons of the Olympics which reflect and teach the values of friendship, fraternity and fairness. This blending of culture, education and sports does resonate well in resolving many of mankind’s problems and issues in this challenging world. Is man prepared to listen to the aching soul of Olympics?

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall.

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