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Putin’s* genocide, I dare say.

The despicable abomination and dastardly horror of it all.

Right before our eyes, the vicious and surreal barbaric scenes jolt our
consciousness in disbelief and repugnant disgust.

Death and destruction mercilessly rain down on people like you and me.

The visceral images of catastrophic wreckage and blood-chilling death,
leaving a grizzly wasteland of revolting lethal destruction.

The shock, awe and incoherence of this genocide cannot be justified.

The diabolical harbinger of doom has remorselessly unleashed
his terrifying armageddon, without regard for life and property.

Still, the brave patriots fight to the death, defending their motherland.

The innocent young and the too old and sick to fight, hide in shelters,
hoping to live another day.

Ukraine bleeds from the pounding of Russia’s hell-fire, emboldening
Putin’s savagery to annihilate anyone who resists his deprave perversions.

The world watches with bated breaths, unable to intervene, as villages
and cities and even humans are blown to bits.

The stench of horrific terror and desolation fills the air and the knowledge that life in Ukraine and our fragile planet will never be the same.

Is this really happening in our lifetime where human existence and life has no value or merits?

No! No! this cannot be – human life is too precious and sacred…blessed with
intelligence, compassion, and civilized discernment.

Surely we must be better than this unless madness and ignorance blind our rationality and judgment. Are we not our brother’s keepers?

The callous tyrant, armed to the teeth, holds the world hostage to his insanity.

The mighty powers cower, offering impotent band-aid solutions.

Putin is unmoved and will not be deterred, his mammoth nuclear arsenal warns of nuclear reprisals against anyone who intervenes.

Ukraine’s fearless men and women are no match for Putin’s despotic lunacy.

Mutilated, and crippled with devastations and grief all around them, they muster the courage to stand their ground and bury their dead heroes with pious dignity.

Putin’s atrocities and carnage will forever live to show the world what despotic bullies are capable of when they become unhinged with unlimited power.

How will this end? Only God knows! Let us all pray for peace with the hope that humanity will wake up to embrace and defend our collective humanity with heroic courage and respect for all life, here on earth.

Indeed! we are ALL, undeniable, children of the one divine omnipotent creator, whose abiding love does not discriminate and forbids the wanton and dastardly anhilation of the innocent and the defenceless.

Where is our civility, respect and value for human life and our planet?

Cliff Rajkumar

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