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An interpretation of Divali 2022

Paras Ramoutar

Paras Ramoutar

Divali 2022 must ignite a new spark, a new light in the conduct of human affairs, not only in Trinidad and Tobago, but for all humanity.  And, of course, world leaders—political, religious, spiritual, corporate, and social—must join in the crusade to save humanity from the abysmal path.

The world society needs to embark on an urgent program to slide back into the realms of spirituality, morality, and ethical values, as there is an urgent need to include in our education system, the teachings of our great philosophical, religious and spiritual masters.

Our nation needs to get back on the path of true spiritual values and lessons, starting with our political leaders, and in this process, we must try and understand what the word, “spiritual” means. This begs the question that we must understand what morality in public affairs is all about.  If one wants the definition, one should get a copy of the People’ National Movement (PNM) People’s Charter 1955, which its then Political Leader, Dr Eric Williams glamorized. We must also instill in our children’s minds the true principles of human values.

Divali 2022 is yet another opportunity for all of us to reflect on the real message and meaning of a great religious, spiritual and historical activity as pronounced in the Holy Ramayan and Gita. This year’s observance provides the underlying factor in the great philosophical, religious, and spiritual doctrines, all of which provide a charter of hope and benevolence, to a tortured, mauled, and wicked mankind.

Divali must be looked at against the background of the overflowing stock of social, economic, political and cultural challenges that beset the world community.

In every corner of the globe, the most recent are the Russia-Ukraine war and the Iran Women’s Hijab Issue, there are turmoil, disasters, confusion, inequalities, and disorder. Some of them, or rather most of them, have their genesis from the political directorates. Others are sourced through social, economic, cultural, and religious issues, all of which continue to dominate the world scene.

In fact, these prevailing conditions have become the norm of the day, and it should be the assignment of all of us, not only our religious or political leaders, but the mass of humanity, to join in a concerted effort to advance any thought, action in helping to successfully resolve this unwarranted condition or environment, so that our existence will be assured of happiness, security, stability and truth.

A starting point could be the family which, although it is the cradle of any civilization, seems to be breaking up and moving into the oblivion. And without any shadow of doubt, our civilization, coupled with the decadence of our true spirituality, has been decaying almost to the point of no return. It is time that our leaders, from every stratum of society, take serious and positive initiatives to arrest this decay.

The temper of our times requires that we move with haste and all the rigidity at our command. We must wait no longer, because to wait longer would mean that the problems would escalate and, therefore, lead to an insurmountable task.

Humanity is in deep trouble, through our own misgivings, and this has come about because of the deterioration in the relationships between man and man, between man and his environment, as well as relationships and contacts among nations and different cultural stocks. 

It is hoped that the light which will glow from the deyas, the quantum is not measured, will glow, and reflect in our hearts and ignite changes in ourselves as the celebration of Divali to me is not a one-day affair. It is an integral part of mankind’s existence, and it must become the day for stocktaking, not only for material assets, but also for spiritual and ethical patterns, as a model “for reverence for life”.

And as we offer devotion to Mother Lakshmi, let us remember the poor, the needy, the unfortunate, the sick and the orphans in our society, and even worldwide. Let us pray and exude positive thoughts with the hope that the human condition will be improved.

Let us move forward with strength, vigour, commitment, truth and justice being assured that our prayers, wishes and supplications will be properly addressed, and that a new consciousness, a new humanity will emerge, a renewed confidence and with great thrusts within the realms of sound ethical, spiritual and moral values.

This must be our wish on Divali to all Hindus, and non-Hindus alike to the total national citizenry. And may Mother Lakshmi bestow her choicest blessings.


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