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British did not allow Indians in Clubs during Colonial Rule in India, Guyana, Trinidad, etc.

Indians were dispersed all over the globe to help expand and or save the British empire when the British colonized India. But the Indians were treated as less than equal whether it was in India, Africa, the Pacific, Indian Ocean, Caribbean, or elsewhere. Indians were enslaved as indentured laborers similar to African slaves, except that the Indians received a small stipend although at times remuneration was denied to them or they were fined for venturing out of their quarters. Africans were also treated as unequals.

There were separate social clubs and sports teams for British and other people. The pix clearly exposed the British on how they viewed Indians. “No Dogs or Indians Allowed”. The same held true for Irish, Indians, and Africans in England until the 1970s. Ditto Indians, Africans, and others in Guyana, Trinidad, and the West Indies. And this happened as Indians were enriching and defending the British Empire. Millions of Indian soldiers were killed or injured during WWI and WWII. The Indian dead were buried all over the globe in Africa, Asia, Europe, Pacific, and Indian Ocean areas.

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