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Call for Observers for Local Elections in Trinidad


*Rowley’s hypocrisy and double standards continue to show that he is not fit for office.*

*The NTA endorses the Opposition’s call for Election Observers for the upcoming Local Government Election.*

The Prime Minister’s refusal to invite international observers to oversee the upcoming Local Government election demonstrates hypocrisy, given his call in 2015 where he was demanding observers for that election.

And asserting that when others are in government, we need observers, but when he is in government, we don’t, is delusional at best, since the very tenet of democracy is that rules and conventions must apply equally to all.

It is very disturbing as well, since there is no logical reason to not have observers, unless he has something that he wants to hide.

And given that he was literally forced into calling elections by the recent Privy Council ruling, one would think that Rowley would be more concerned about allaying the fears of those citizens who might feel his postponement of the LGE in the first place was undemocratic.

The position of dictators across the globe, this is also typical of the autocratic style of Rowley, which has gotten worse over the years.

For these reasons, we at the National Transformation Alliance support the call for international observers for the upcoming Local Government Election, as it’s the right, decent, morally correct, and democratic thing to do.

Gary Griffith
NTA Political Leader
WhatsApp: 482-Gary [4279] / 483-Gary [4279]

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